Lukana (Laws)

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¹To bring judgement upon another is an abomination, for judgement is to be left only to Rana alone.

²To use the name of Rana in justifying hate is wrong and shall not be done, for Rana loves each of Their creations and created each of them in Their image.

³You shall not lie or steal what is not yours.

⁴Do not commit adultery; remain loyal to your spouse, though divorce is a right.

⁵You shall not murder.

⁶Men are not above women; women are not above men; all people shall be treated equally regardless of gender.

⁷Gender is in the mind of the people, not the body formed in the womb, for Rana is genderless.

⁸All humans are entitled to love, and all love is smiled down upon by Rana, and no one is to be forced into marriage.

¹⁰No race, class, gender, sex, orientation, religion, or nationality is superior to others. All must be treated with equal respect.

¹¹You must not look down on others for what is beyond their own control.

¹²Daughters are a blessing and are a parent's gateway to Hani, and sons are a gift from Rana Themself and shall be loved dearly, and Rana is to be thanked for them, because all children are gifts.

¹³Parents must not disown their children for who they are or whomever they love, for they were given to you by Rana and created in Their image just how they are.

¹⁴Non-binary individuals and those under the non-binary category represent Rana with their identities and must be honoured and loved as siblings, not as outsiders.

¹⁵Rana is the one true God, the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega, the Melina and the Wenda, and no other godly figures shall be put above Them, for that is an abomination.

¹⁶All people must drink at least one glass of water per day, unless it compromises the health of the individual or water is inaccessible.

¹⁷Inappropriately touching or harming another individual without their consent is an abomination.

¹⁸One must not lie to anyone about Rana or Their teachings.

¹⁹Music is a gift directly from Rana to humans, and is something to be appreciated and enjoyed; outward hatred of music is not allowed and is sinful.

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