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This is my first time writing a fan fic soo thanks sooo much for reading and i hope that you will comment and tell me how im doing thanks sooo much oooh and i dont own any of the characters besides Ayame ^u^  Also if you havent seen/read ouran high school host club or kuroko no basuke i suggest that you do other wise you wont understand this thanks xD


Name: Ayame Tenshi

Age:15 (1st year)

Height: 5'1 ( just up to kuroko's shoulder)

Looks: waist length brown hair. Ocean blue eyes. Slightly pale but skinny

likes: kuroko, her team (their like her family), haruhi, the color blue, the beach (anything with water in it), vanilla milkshakes, basuketball, pandas, is ok with skirts but doesnt wear them often, music, singing and dancing, playing the uke, guitar, piano,and violin.

dislikes: hospitals, needles, the color yellow, dresses, fangirls (she got enough of that from kise), cocky and conceited people,people who are rude, people who harm/say harsh things to her friends and family, people who are really whiny tire her out a lot and get her annoyed.

personality: she is a very sweet girl but on the court she can be a monster. she doesnt realize how cute she is. she is slightly oblivious to things, she doesnt know much about romance and dating because shes never had a boyfriend before. some times she doesnt get when guys are trying to hit on her and just thinks that they are being polite.

Parents: died in a car crash 

History: went to Teiko middle school and was a regular on the basketball team is like a little sister to everyone on the team but her best friend Kuroko. She is his other light besides Aomine. Ever since the accident ( you will find out later on :3 ) the whole teams made an oath to always protect her not knowing that she was listening in on their conversation. ayame doesnt want them to blame them-selves so she decides to run away and live with her cousin haruhi and uncle Ranka where she get a scholarship to go to ouran academy along with Haruhi. 

Ayame plays a lot of instruments but her favorite is the violin because before her parents died she would always play it for them to get them in a better mood or just for fun. even when her parents died she continued to play her violin because it makes her feel closer to her parents. Kuroko always loved listening to her play and always got her to play whenever she was feeling down so she got used to that

Crush: Kuroko Tetsuya

Haruhi's cousin: a basketball player?!? ( kuroko love story)Where stories live. Discover now