chapter 2

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~Kuroko's pov~

as i was walking home from school i decided to see how Ayame was feeling. i've been worried about her ever since sensei told us that she wasnt coming because she was sick. when i got to her doorstep and rang the doorbell, but everything was silent. i waited a couple minutes before getting the spare key she always hide under the doormat. when i went inside her house i paniced because it was empty, all of her stuff was gone. i ran out of the house and called the rest of the team and told them to meet me at my house now.

as i got closer to my house i saw a letter at my doorstep. i ran to get it. on the front it said "to Kuroko love Ayame". i hurriedly opened the letter. it read 

Dear my family the generation of miracles,

I'm sorry to tell you this through a note and not to your face, but i have decided to leave teniko and since it's near the end of the year i wont matter because we will be going to high school. im leaving because i cant bare to see you guys keep blaming yourselves for something that wasnt anybodys fault. i mean i'm happy that i got a away from getting hit  by a car with just a broken arm and a few cracked ribs while saving the life of a child that could've been instantly killed instead. soo you guys need to stop blaming yourselves by thinking if we had seen the car and the kid sooner that i would never had gotten hit, but its alright that happened months ago but you guys still keep putting yourselves down.then i realize that im a reminder to you guys. i remind you guys of that day every time you look at me and see my trying to do something. because of that you guys feel the need to always protect me. i love you guys to death your my family,but you dont need to always protect me because im a big girl i can handle myself but im extremely happy that i had you guys to protect me and i know that i always will but right now i just need to do things by myself. and with me gone you guys can finally forgive yourselves dont worry my numbers still the same so you can still contact me whenever you wanna talk. no i wont tell you guys where im going because other wise you would come and try to make me come back. but theres something that i need to tell you guys, because of my injuries i can still play basketball but i have restrictions as in my shots arent as clean or fast, i cant do my tenshi jumped whenever i want my limit to that is 5 times but then im out any more then that then blood starts to fill my lungs and start coughing out blood and thats not a funny sight. because of these restrictions i have to give up on basketball, so you wont be seeing me on anymore basketball teams until i fully heal, but dont worry because i will still be practicing so maybe if we ever meet again maybe i could vs you guys hmm... well we'll never know until that day comes if it does well i guess this is my goodbye to you guys so i hope to see you guys later on and by then you guy have better stopped blaming yourselves. goodbye 


by the time i finished reading that letter i heard my team, the generation of miracles, come. when they saw me just standing in front of my house with my head down and a letter in my hand they stopped and ran to me.

"hey Kuroko whats wrong??" Aomine asked 

"she's gone" i said emotionless

"huh?" he asked

i didnt say anything else instead i shoved the letter at him, but when i saw another letter sticking out from behind it with my name on I grabbed it and put in my pocket before anyone could see and decided that i would read it later when their gone.

as they were reading the letter i heard them gasp and Satsuki starting to cry. when they were done reading we all looked at eachother.

"we gotta go find her!!!" cried kise and Satsuki

 "but where would we even begin?" asked Akashi


"wait do we know if she has any other family members??" asked Aomine

"wait satsuki do you have Haruhi's number??" i asked hoping that she did so we could ask haruhi if she knew where Ayame was.

" i dont i lost ometime ago sorry"satsuki said depressed

"wait who is haruhi??" midorima asked confused

"haruhi is Ayame's only cousin and was our only other way of finding Ayame" i replied depressed

"well theres nothing we can do now she's not answering her phone right now soo i guess we try and see if we and find anyone whose seen her and where she went tomorrow." Akashi said sadly

"ok "  we all said dejectedly 

~they all leave~

as i'm walking into my house i start thinking about the other letter she left for me. i look at it for a second the i start to read hoping that it'll give me a clue as to where she is.

Dear Kuroko,

kuroko you are the person who i didnt want to leave the most, because i love you. not love like family love but love as in a romantic relationship. i'm srry that i didnt have the heart to tell you this in person i was scared that you start acting different around me if i told you. but now that i am gone im sure you will forget me. dont worry i wont be mad if i see you again and you already have someone else by your side i'll be happy for you because i know that your not mine to keep. if you dont like me the same way i like you its ok i just wanted to let you know how i feel at least one time. i hope that you'll never forget me and maybe if we ever see eachother again you'll tell me your answer. well goodbye Kuroko i'll miss 

love, Ayame

".... she loves me back... she really loves me back!!!" i said over joyed

"but she's gone and she doesnt know i love her as well..... i have to find her. i need to find her!!!


sorry its short i've been dealing with a crap load of homework and all of that stupid school stuff 

but yeah i do not own any  of the characters in this story besides Ayame thanks ^u^ 




Haruhi's cousin: a basketball player?!? ( kuroko love story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora