run away??

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~ Ayame's pov ~

I have to leave before they notice if i dont they'll never let it go and will keep blaming themsevles for something that they couldn't have known would happen. It's not their fault why wont they understand that!?!?! .... if im gone maybe they'll be able to forgive themselves and forget. but i'll miss them all especially Kuroko... i never got a chance to tell him my feelings. i know i leave him a note to tell him and the rest of the team goodbye i''l go right~ 

~ring ring ring ring ~

"hello?" i answered

"hey Ayame it's Haruhi. i was wondering what time you'll be here by?" said Haruhi

"ohh soon i'm just about to leave." i replied 

"hmmm ok.... are you sure you want to leave?? cuz i mean all your friends are there are you ok to leave them???" said Haruhi

"yeah it's best i do this other wise they'll never stop blaming themselves and i just can't live with that. without me here to keep reminding them of what happened they'll be able to forgive themselves" i said tears building up in my eyes 

"it's ok Ayame your out of the hospital now right??" Haruhi said worriedly 

"yeah i left that crappy place on hour ago thank god" i said relieved

" ahaha ok thats good soo i'll see you herein about an hour??" asked Haruhi

" yup i'll see you soon "i told her

"kk byee" said Haruhi

"byee" i said

~hangs up the phone~

"phew i'm finally finished packing!!" i cheered to myself

"now i just go to leave my letter at Kurokos without him noticing... hmmmm he should still be in school since i took the day off saying i was "sick" just so i could pack and leave before they noticed... ok i'll drop it off and then i'll leave" i thought to myself a bit sad about leaving my family

~ At Kuroko's house ~

sniffle ~" goodbye Kuroko i'll probably wont see you guys again, but good luck at inter high!!" i say to myself as I walk away from Kuroko's apartment after leaving my note on the doorstep.

~ Timeskip at Haruhi's apartment ~

~ding dong ding dong~ 

"hello?" Haruhi says as she opens the door

"HARUHI!!!! ITS SOO GOOD TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!!!" i scream as i tackled her in a hug 

"ahaha heey Ayame its soo good too see you again after what 3 years??" laughs Haruhi as she picks herself off the ground

"i know right i'm sorry about that i was super busy with basketball" i told her sheepishly 

"aha its fine i understand i'm just happy you were able to keep contact with me" she says with a simle 

"you know i cound  never go a week without talking to you and-..... OMFG YOU CUT YOUR HAIR!!!!!!!" i yelled shocked when i finally took a good look at her

"hmmm?? ooh yeah some kid stuck gum in my hair and i was too lazy to go get it removed soo i just cut my hair" she said calmly 

"hmmm... ok your hairs still super cute this way" i said 

"ahaha thanks...... hmmm whats that in your hands??" she asks seeing the box i was trying to hide behind my back as we go to the living room after putting my stuff in the extra room they had

"aww dang you caught meh here this is for you and this is for Ranka by the way where is he?? i said after handing her two boxes

"ooh dad well he's at work right now cuz he started doing the night shift" she says while opening her gift

"... OMFG!! YOU GOT ME FANCY TUNA!!!! I LOVE YOU !!!!!" she screamed while tackling me in a bear hug

"ahaha yeah i saw some in a store that i passed on the way to the train station and i thought i'd get you some i also got Ranka some new nail polish" i said while trying to calm down my laughter. you see unless you give Haruhi fancy tuna or some seafood then you'll never get  to see this side of her the hyperactive side :p


"aha ok ok calm down now-"

~ding dong~

"hmm i wonder who that could be?" i said getting up to open the door

when i open the door instead of seeing someone i see two letters on doorstep with mine and Haruhi's names on them.

"hmm from ouran academy.... OH MY GOODNESS HARUHI WE GOT A REPLY FROM OURAN ACADEMY!!!!" i screamed overjoyed that we finally got our replys

"ok come on lets open them now and see what they say" she says while taking hers and opening it while i do the same

~the letter~

Dear Haruhi Fujioka and Ayame Tenshi,

we are pleased to inform you that that you two have scored 100%on the enterence exams and are being given a scholarship to Ouran Academy. I'm sorry to tell you that we will only be paying for your school tuitions we dont have enough uniforms to give to you, but dont worry here are two school badges you can wear whatever you want as long as you hav these badges with you along with your school ID which you will get tomorrow your first day of school. congrats on being the first two scholarship students ever in the history of Ouran Academy i hope you will like the school and do well and have a great school year. to get you schedule come to the office behind this letter should be a school map enjoy and hope to see you tomorrow.


"yea!!! we got into ouran!!!' me and haruhi screamed to eachother

~yawwn well ok thats enough excitement for one day i'm gonna go to bed now night haruhi" i told her sleeply while walking to my room to get ready for bed

"ya same here night Ayame" she said back

"mmmhmm i wonder if Kuroko's seen the letter yet." i wonder to myself before going to sleep

Haruhi's cousin: a basketball player?!? ( kuroko love story)Where stories live. Discover now