Chapter 4 | Unnatural Words

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Kageyama Pov.

My mind was spinning at the speed of a tornado for the rest of that day. When I was usually sleeping or on the rare occasion of studying for a class, I was thinking.

Deep thoughts about my life, friends, relationships, and family.

That weird girl, Aiko, talked for the whole lunch break. About her old school, her friends back in Brazil, and the family she left behind, she was even interested in my life. She seemed super close to each of them but still didn't seem to be bummed about moving, she saw it as an opportunity to start over and meet new people.

I just don't know why she chose me out of everybody at this school, I was just a volleyball-obsessed jerk. She'd find out soon enough and leave me too.

Once the bell rang she didn't imminently leave. She walked with me down the courtyard and to my next class reassuring me that she wouldn't be late for her own. She wore a bright smile on her face as she proudly waved to me and started walking down the dingy hall, which at this point was beginning to clear up after everyone had gotten to their classes.

But I kept saying to myself she's not your friend once she finds a self-centered bitchy girl or guy she would leave, she was new it will happen eventually.

Once afternoon practice started I was slightly off.

My sets were a little too long and Hinata had a hard time spiking them, even a few times he couldn't at all. When I tried to do a jump serve the ball slipped out of my grasp too early and fell out of reach before I could hit it across the court.

The whole team stared at me with dismay as the volleyball bounced on the ground right in front of my feet. Signaling that I had messed up again.

After fifteen seconds of silence, the ball stopped moving and Daichi announced. 

"That's alright Kageyama, let's have a five-minute break to cool down, okay?"

"Okay, Captain!" The team shouted.

I continued to stare at the lifeless volleyball, I wanted to blame Aiko for talking to me but I knew deep down it wasn't her fault.

"What's going on Kageyama-Kun?!" Tanaka said, slapping my back.

I looked up and made eye contact with Tanaka as he smiled childishly, beside him was Nishinoya his arms crossed on his chest and a small smirk and sweat dripping down his face and neck.

I took a deep breath and responded with.

"I'm sorry, I've just been distracted today, but It won't affect me anymore."

A sudden bright light lit up in Noya and Tanakas faces as they stared at each other in delight, probably thinking the same thing.

Crap what did I do? I thought.

Suddenly Tanaka took Nishinoya into a huddle, his back leaning far down to reach the small libero and a few mumbles were heard, but I couldn't decipher what they were talking about.

"You like somebody, don't you Kageyama?"
Nishinoya asked, separating himself from the huddle.

"What girl is it?" Tanaka exclaimed, this time slapping his hand down on my shoulder making me grunt.

These two are crazy. I don't have a crush on anybody, I don't have time for romance. I thought once again. I gave them an angry look which didn't seem to calm them down or shut them up as they followed me over to my bag to grab my water bottle, laughing and chuckling to each other.

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