Chapter 11 | Broken Glass and A Pretty Face

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Chapter 11

Kageyama Pov.

    You know when I usually wake up I hear nothing, and If I do hear something it's either the delightful sounds of birds singing outside my window or the odd chance of a car speeding around my lifeless neighborhood.

But today I woke up to the sound of Hinata's obnoxious snoring.

I covered my face with my hands dragging them down as I instinctively stuck my fingers into my ears to try to drain out the annoying sound.

I closed my eyes tightly as I tried to fall back asleep, but the light that streamed in through my window was too bright mixed with the loud snores, so I decided to haul myself out of bed.

I sat at the edge, my shoulders slumped down as a painful shock streamed through my body.

I rolled my neck in a circle and let out a loud yawn before looking down at the boy below me. His hair laid every which way across the pillow which he barely laid on as his head was just on the edge most of it laid down on the blankets.

Speaking on blankets they twisted around his limbs as if they were choking him, his hands gripping onto one piece of the blanket tightly as he brought it to the tip of it to his face.

His face was a mess, his mouth laid open a bit of drool streaming out of the side, his eyes were scrunched up in an uncomfortable state but they relaxed every time the boy would breathe out.

I could almost say he looked peaceful if every few seconds his obnoxious snoring wouldn't come back, making his head rattle, and making my brows furrow.

    After realizing I was probably staring at the boy for a creepy amount of time I prompted my arms on the edge of my bed and stood up trying to scoot in between the air mattress and my bed.

As I walked out of my room I made sure to take the extra step and close my door quietly trying not to wake up the sleeping boy.

Once I entered my kitchen the time on the clock read 9:24 am.

Well, I guess we slept in, that's pretty unlike me.
I scoffed.

Now usually I would just have a protein bar or something small for breakfast, mostly on the days when I have volleyball and have to rush out the door with only a few minutes to spare and the only thing I can eat is a slice of bread or a bar.

Even when I don't have school or practice, what I eat for breakfast is never luxurious. Toast, cereal, or even an Okonomiyaki on a good day, but I better make something decent enough for my guest.

After scouring through the shelves in my pantry and the refrigerator I ended up deciding on just making some omelets.

They're easy enough for a mediocre baker like me to stir up!

    After standing over the stove for a few minutes and mindlessly scrolling through the internet on how to make a delicious omelet because I had previously either burnt or not cooked the others long enough I settled on a simple enough article on how to make an omelet for beginner bakers.

The comments were a slap in the face though as people said things along the lines of

"I thought everyone knew how to make such a simple meal!"


"My baby sister could make an omelet without having to look up how to."

But regardless I got the ingredients and started to cook.

     Once I was finished a put the food out on two plates and set them on the dining room table. I hope Hinata will wake up soon, I didn't want to have gone through all this trouble just so he will refuse to eat a cold omelet.

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