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The Dream team was streaming whilst playing Minecraft until one donations popped up

'Say I love you Dream, and I'll donate 100£'

George chuckled and shook his head. "No chat." He laughed

"C'mon George, don't be a baby just say it please?" Dream pleaded


There was silence then suddenly Dream felt something in his throat he suddenly had the urge to cough.

"I'm gonna feed patches for a minute guy."

"Ok!" Sapnap said

"Okkk!" George responded

He muted his mic and started coughing badly he then tasted something it was.. blood? Then he felt something soft in his hands he looked down he saw Pink flower petals..

Dream looked at it scared he then went to the bathroom and washed his hands and went back to his office and unmutes his mic.

"Hey I'm back." His voice was raspy

And Sapnap immediately noticed

"Woah Dream, are you okay?" He said worried for his friend.

"Yeah I'm *cough* fine. Why?"

"Why- nevermind let's keep playing."


.... Yay? I don't think this is gonna be really sad but whatever!

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