three: mischief

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JJ rolled her eyes at the closing trapdoor and glanced over at Morgan.

"No offense, JJ," Morgan broke the silence, "But why the hell did they put us together?"

JJ shook her head at him and offered an annoyed smile. "Oh, come on, Morgan. It's not that hard to see. They're arrogant and they're underestimating us. They think since Rossi is old and Pen seems soft that they aren't strong. They're basing Emily's strength level on the fact that she hasn't showed fear, just that she's pissed. So they got put in a group. Spencer and Hotch were paired up because Hotch--"

"--has a naturally kind looking face. Spencer must have seemed intimidating." Morgan smirked slightly.

JJ sighed. "Yeah, sure, let's go with that. But you and me? It's pretty obvious who they think the weaker link is."

Morgan met her eyes with a sympathetic look. "JJ, they wouldn't know. Like you said, their arrogance is blinding them. You are much better than they think. We should be glad they underestimated you, we are definitely able to overpower both of them. We have the upper hand." He looked around. "Or, we will. We just have to hope they don't do anything until we can incapacitate at least one of them." 

"FBI agent, Aaron Hotchner." Harvey muttered, reading the badge. "So we question him first, he's the boss. If anyone would know anything about us, it would be him. If he doesn't answer us, then we question the others, and if they don't answer us, we can start using them as leverage. They seem pretty close, don't they, Queenie? I can't tell if that's odd."

Queenie shook her head. "I couldn't know. Back in Chicago, you know our team did anything and everything to please each other and get the job done. Being that close can't just be a criminal thing, love."

Harvey nodded. "No, I guess not." He walked past four large and subtle piles of leaves that he had been using as landmarks and stopped at the fifth pile. He shoved the leaves aside and dusted off the trapdoor. "Queenie, this room is ready to be used again except for the- uh... unfortunate fellow still in there. Do you mind disposing of the body? I can start questioning Mr. Hotchner by myself."

Queenie pretended to pout. "I get to question someone by myself at some point, too, then. To keep the score even."

Harvey and Queenie descended into the room together. Harvey smirked charmingly at Queenie, who returned a dazzling smile. 

"Queenie, what being decided that I deserve someone as remarkable as yourself?"

"Well, Harvey, I'd say one that's either very ignorant or very gracious. Because nobody deserves me."

They laughed together and Harvey helped Queenie hoist the light and limp body over her shoulder. She stumbled slightly under the dead man and Harvey chuckled quietly and adjusted the man's weight. He kissed her softly as she headed up the stairs. 

They truly were meant to be together, weren't they?

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