seven: spencer & emily

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"HEY! BITCH! WE'RE A TAG TEAM, LET ME SWITCH WITH HIM!" Emily yelled against the trap door.

Penelope swatted at her arm. "We just have to get out, we don't need you to get hurt, too, Em, we--"

The trapdoor opened, and Harvey looked in with a gun pointed in. "If you're so eager to go in, then fine. Queenie can handle both of you. Let's go."

He reached out his hand and Emily took it without hesitation, climbing out of the cellar and walking calmly to the one where Spencer and Queenie were. Harvey pulled open the door and led Emily in. 

"Emmy here wants a whirl, Queenie. Why don't you give her a turn?" He used the gun to push Emily forward. 

She looked over Queenie's shoulder. Spencer was bleeding from his neck and shoulders, and the drip patterns on the floor led her to believe that his back had gotten the worst of it.

"Okay, if she's ready." Queenie said.

Emily didn't hear her. She and Spencer met eyes and he shook his head at her slowly. 

"Go." He mouthed. 

She shook her head back at Spencer.

"You aren't ready?" Queenie asked her, glancing back at Spencer. "Well, I guess I can see why you changed your mind."

"Alright, Queenie, keep them in check. I'm going to get rid of the other two from her cell. They've served their purpose already, we don't need them anymore."

"Be careful, love. Don't let them get away, the last time we had to chase someone it almost ended badly."

Harvey grinned at Emily as he left. 

"I only have one chair and he's already using it." Queenie said, jabbing her thumb over her shoulder to point at Spencer. "We'll have to improvise."

Emily was listening above her. She couldn't hear what Harvey was doing, and so decided to wait five minutes before escaping. She had noticed as Harvey brought her in that they didn't lock the door when they were in a cell with someone. This was her chance.

Penelope and Rossi walked side by side each other, marching deeper into the forest. Harvey was behind them, a gun pointed at their backs. They both knew why they were being led away. Before they left, their hands had been tied behind their backs, and Harvey had used a small bit of duct tape to cover each of their mouths. They were being moved to be executed.

Every now and then, they would glance at each other, trying to communicate that they had a plan. Every step led them closer to the end. With Hotch dying, Spencer injured, and Emily next in line for that, JJ and Morgan were the only other option. Since they didn't know what shape the two were in, they resolved that they were the team's best chance. They were the closest to escaping Harvey and Queenie, and they refused to get this close to getting help for their team just to die a silent execution style death.

Hotch was alone now. He couldn't do anything to help the escape because he was still unconscious. 

"Morgan, we just need to keep--"

"No, JJ! You heard exactly what I did. Spencer was just tortured for what, an hour? he's probably dead now, and Emily's next. Harvey just took Rossi and Penelope, and I think we both know why. Hotch has been sick for days, if he isn't dead now, he's about to be! We're the only ones left! We can't save them now."

Morgan rested his forehead against the dirt wall, trying to calm himself down.


Morgan sighed, trying his best not to be mad at her. "What, JJ." 

"The wall."

"What?" He turned around to face her.

"The wall, Morgan, the wall! If we were able to talk through them, how hard would it be for us to break through them?" JJ's eyes were wide, she knew she was right.

"JJ... you are a deadass genius." 

"No, but if we want our actual genius and everyone else back, we need to get digging. Or kicking, I have a feeling you've been missing all those doors." JJ smirked, and the two got to work.

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