Chapter 3 : Rhen Helps Me

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             I start learning to know who I really am. It doesn’t feel right because I’m jealous how Rhen and my family accept me whole but I can’t accept me whole. So I start learning my power secretly, slowly, and piece by piece. Right now, after months of pure practice I can command, summon and do a lot of things with the wind. I can make it get my things for me or make it rain or make it shine by blowing the clouds away or in the country. I too, realized that whenever I use my powers my hair becomes silver.

          I practiced every day and I started to accept myself slowly. I always thought I was a monster since I was different. But now, I learn to accept my gift. Instead of telling myself it was a curse, I started calling it a gift. I thought of how lucky I am because of all the people in this world; I was chosen to have this mystical ability.

             I started getting the hang of it that I actually start to use it in school. Of course secretly and in a good way; I am not too proud of my power so I still control myself. I don’t want to rely on it because what if I just lose the ability and I relied and gave it my all? I thought of this.

             A week later, I couldn’t handle keeping this power all to myself. I needed advice from someone else. I needed someone to be there and help me enhance myself. I am constantly frustrated because I can’t really see myself and how I’m doing. Plus, I lack skills of combat. If I were on a battlefield, I would die even if I had powers because I don’t know how to use it in combat.

            My mood necklace has been acting really crazy these past few weeks as I train. I mean, it really shows my mood but I notice that my mood isn’t okay most of the time. The color is usually black or dark blue or really dark sad colors. I don’t know what they mean thought and I always forget to search about it.

          In school, I look around; I look for someone who I can talk to. I know I couldn’t tell my parents because I don’t think that will do any good. I can’t trust anyone here.

“VANAAAA!” Rhen jumps on me. I thought I was going to die. Oh this guy and his evil ways.

          “WHAT NOW?” Wait. I look at Rhen. How dare I forget? RHEN! Why do I have to look when there’s him right in front of me! Silly me. “Wait. Rhen, I have something to tell you. It’s something I have been keeping as a secret from you.” I tell him.

          “You’re nervous.” He looks at me at the eyes. At then smiles. He knows me all too well.

         “How do you know that?”

       “I know you Vana, and your mood necklace says so.” He looks at my neck. “Did I tell you you can get that wet because that’s surrounded by real gold?” He adds up.

              “No I didn’t! Why did you just tell me this now?” I ask with a hint of laughter. I really tried my best to avoid the necklace from getting wet and it was real gold? I feel silly.

 “You were going to tell me something?” Rhen told me. His face looked worried.

    “Oh yes. But we have to talk in private. This is really important to me. And since you accept me whole and know me so well, I have to let this all out on you.” I start to confess but school isn’t such an appropriate place to talk about things like this. “Meet me in my house after school. I really need you for this. I thank you and I owe you my life for this.”

“Sure. I’ll always be here to help.” Rhen agreed.

       After school I immediately rode the bus and went home to change into better clothes. I realize that I work much better with dresses rather than shorts or pants or sweat shirts and tank tops. As soon as I get home I kiss my parents and told them that Rhen will be coming over for a “school project”. Of course they were fine with it.

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