Chapter 8: I'm Seventeen

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                Few months passed after that and again, it’s almost my birthday. But my mom decided to spend this one with my family. She said she wanted family “quality time” and again she had this face that she’s going to lose me soon. I try to get her distracted by being with her all the time. And she tries to spend every minute memorable with me.

                Let me define that farther, we went shopping together, we baked cookies, we played Wii, we cleaned the house, and we ate gummy worms and gummy bears. Every day, my mom seems to come up with games to play with me. I play with her also, I love seeing my mom happy. It lightens up my mood too.

                She’s happy since I’ve been doing well in school too. That’s because me and Rhen tutors each other. Mom stares at me straight.

                “Do you love Rhen Vana? I’ve noticed that you guys are much more intense now rather than before.” My mom asks. But she isn’t mad, she asked out of pure curiosity

“I guess so, mom.” I was shy to admit this but I had to tell her the truth. “Are you mad?” I ask her, but I avoid her eyes.

“No you little girl. I know that kid. I trust him as much as you do. And I know you started to feel something towards him because I can see how attached you are to that necklace.

“I guess so.” I smile shyly. No wonder why people could read me. I forgot I had a mood necklace on. Silly me.

“Just don’t get too attached okay?” My mom looks worried. Back then, I thought she was scared he might leave me, but now, I realize my mom said that because she knew I was going away.

“Sure mom. I won’t let him hurt me.” I smile. But she doesn’t smile back at me. She just nodded.

Let’s go and fast forward to my seventeenth birthday.

“Oh my baby is seventeen now!” My mom cries.

I had people greeting me at school too, asking me if there was going to be another party of the year. Of course I told them the truth that I needed family quality time. People starts whispering to one another saying I couldn’t have my birthday because of “Financial problems” I control my anger and laugh. Oh jealous people.

“No mom, I’m just 17.” I tell my mom while hugging her.

“Just?! You’re a teenager now!” My mom made such a big fuss about how big I am and that I am not her “little” girl anymore.

“You’re so silly mom.” I laugh.

Mom prepares home baked desserts and cake. Rhen joined in because apparently he’s a “part of the family” now. Not only that, my silly mother seems to be taking him as my boyfriend. Of course, Rhen was happy and claims that he really is. Oh dear.

“Do you have something for her?” My mom asks them.

“Of course I have something for my GIRLFRIEND.” Rhen says girlfriend way louder than the other words in that sentence.

                “What is it then?” I pretend to act mean.

                “Isn’t my love for you enough?” He says it in front of my mom. We all laugh. “No seriously I do.” He gives me a long rectangular box. I open the box.

                “Oh my gosh!” I exclaimed in delight. A real blue rose! I can’t believe this guy knows me so well. “Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!” I run to him and give him a bear hug. I don’t talk about Rhen that much but he’s actually a year older than me.

                I go out of my house, to the meadows, I don’t know but the meadow calms me down. It’s my happy place. I can’t believe I’m actually seventeen. I never wanted to actually be a teenager. I just wanted to be a kid.

                I lie down on the grass. I watch the sky. I am happy here. I am in my happy place.

                “Hello.” A girl says. I turned around to look at her, I saw her, she was beautiful, and she had long green hair, a pale skin, and a brown dress. She had vines in her hair, but it looked well on her, parts of her skin had barks like those of a tree on her.

                “Hi.” I answered startled.

                “You’re princess Vanadium from kingdom Praseodymium, yes? Yes, you are the princess.” She bows down. “I am the goddess of the trees, I am Thallium, I have served your kingdom for years and I went here for a piece of mind.” Thallium said.

                “Princess? Pras-what? Kingdom? What?” I ran back home. What does she mean? What kingdom?

                What princess?

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