Chapter 3

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By the time I'd arrived back at the diner I could see three cars parked in the small car park outside. Great! Just what I needed right now.

I walked into the diner and things were actually nice and calm. Rex was in his high chair having some breakfast and Dad was standing next to him ringing up a persons bill.

"Oh hey Dot. How'd it go? He go in ok?" I know it's been bothering him that I said I would do all the school runs but he needed to be here now and I got it. I know how much he wanted this to work otherwise we might be on a plane back to where we started.

"Well I think I've pissed him off but I really don't want to talk about it." I grabbed my apron and started going around collecting empty plates and refilling coffee like I'd been doing it my whole life not only today. I think the practise from serving and sorting the boys along with Dad and his new staff since I got here has helped. Although I did manage to spill a whole coffee over my jeans and had to run to the upstairs apartment to get changed.

It wasn't anything special. A three bed apartment that run along the length of the diner. But it did have two bathrooms and a decent living area. The kitchen was dated and tiny but then we just went down stairs to make anything we needed. I don't even think there's anything in the fridge. Hell I don't even think it's plugged in!

My room was left to be decorated but I'd helped Gray paint his and Dad had sorted his room that he was sharing with Rex. I knew I needed to get mine painted as soon as possible because then he wanted to get the new carpets put in. Let's just say some of the stains on the ones we had were more than a little disgusting.

The morning flew by and before long I was sitting in the car outside the high school waiting for Gray to walk out. I felt nervous and I knew it was because I wanted him to have had this amazing first day but I felt so responsible for the fact I screwed up his first part of the morning.

I could feel eyes suddenly on me as I waited but I was too worried to look anywhere except for the doors. What if I missed him and he decided to walk home alone? He doesn't know the way.

With that thought plaguing my mind, his green eyes landed on mine as he walked through the doors with his head held high. Please God, let him have had a good day.

He strode over to the car and looked through the window before opening the door and sliding in. Did he seem taller than this morning?

"So, ummm...about this morning," I began but he just laughed. He actually laughed.

"You looked like you wanted to die there and then. Thank you for bringing my phone." I exhaled and felt my eyes water unnecessarily. "Whooa what's up with you? You on your time of the month?"

"Grayson James, did you seriously just ask me if I was on my period?" I shook my head in shock and laughed as he cringed.

"Ok ok! I was just trying to make you feel better. Leave it out now yeah? I forgive you for coming into the school ok?" I nodded and turn the car on, just happy I'm in the clear but not wanting to push things any further.

"So, how was school?" I tried for casual but even I could hear the desperation for information. His lips frowned and I suddenly felt uneasy, lifting my back that little bit straighter, preparing my speech for how tomorrow would be a better day.

"Well, it was good. After you left Sam caught up to me and asked me to sit with him and his friends at lunch. There were a few at the table who are freshmen so I had some classes with them. It was nice. I felt like I'd known them forever." He finished like that was it and I wasn't going to get anymore.

"Sam as in the guy next to Coach Lucas this morning?" I ask, still going for casual.

"The very same."

"Isn't he a lot older than you?"

"Yeah, he's a senior but he hangs around with a this big group of people." I could see that getting information out of him was going to be like getting blood out of a stone.

We pull up into the diner after a short silence had fallen between us. I was happy he was happy and had a good day and so I didn't want to annoy him or put him off with my twenty questions. He'll share when he's ready.

We go in and find an empty diner and a miserable looking Dad. Clearly he's not had the busy day he was hoping for. In the time I'd been there we'd only had the three in the morning and four others for the dinner time rush. I use the term rush very loosely there.

It wasn't the best of starts but it'll take time for news to travel and let others know how amazing the food was. I'd asked Dad this morning if maybe it would be a good idea to get some flyers around to promote new owners and the small refurb we'd managed to do so far. I mean, it might only be paint and some new furniture but the place looks a million times better than when we arrived two weeks ago. If I could get the flyers done then I could take Rex out and start asking some local places if they could but them up in their windows.

Dad spent the next ten minutes talking to Gray about school and I listened in in case there was any new information while I played with Rex in one of the booths. His toys were all over the table and he was banging dinosaurs together while sitting there with a piece of strawberry dangling from his hair.

"Dot Dot Dot" it was like a broken record with Rex. He learns a new word and it'll be on repeat for days. We had it with Dad and now my name. We're getting there with Gray but he's Ayay at the moment.

It was about time for a nappy change when I felt that feeling of someone watching me once again. It didn't feel dangerous or like I should be scared but I wanted to know who it was either way.

I rushed Rex to the baby change toilet that Dad had yet to modernise and pulled the little change table down. He lied back and looked around as I changed him and was perfectly happy having to sit back and have it done for him. I loved this little guy so much. So calm and peaceful, unless you take his dinosaurs of course.

When I walked back out I was faced with about thirty kids walking into the diner. My jaw hit the floor but luckily I had a firm hold on Rex. What the actual hell?! Who are these kids?

"Hey Dotty, these are the friends I was telling you about." Grayson calls from over the counter.  One by one they file on in ending with Sam and none other than Coach Lucas behind him.

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