Chapter 6

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"You ok?" Came his husky voice, far too close to my face that could smell him so clearly it filled my nose until all my other surroundings were blocked and I could only focus on him. He smelt of sweet honey and the fresh smell of outdoors mixed with something that just made my knees week.

Heat pooled to my core and felt myself flush at how close he was. My fear of the forest was long gone and instead I feared how much longer I could take being in his hold while he stared at me with concern etched on his face.

His hands burnt my skin in the nicest way sending tingles all the way to my toes. His body was so close to mine that I could feel the heat radiating from his body. I had to angle my head to see into his eyes and pleasure surged through me making me want to reach up and touch him.

He inhaled one long breath through his nose and cursed under his breath before a low and sexy as hell growl escaped his lips.

"You need to move very slowly away from me Dot." Was all he said but I was completely frozen in his grasp. What the hell was happening and why was I so turned on by it? "Stop!" He hissed.

Ok, now I was officially back to being scared. The authority in his command made me shiver slightly and I pulled out of his grasp before taking slow careful steps back then speed walking back to where my brother and Sam stood about twenty feet away.

Sam gave me an apologetic glance before going over to Luke and speaking in hushed voices so that we couldn't hear. Whatever they were talking about didn't sound like a nice and happy conversation.

"What was that?" Gray asked. Looking me up and down to see if I had anything wrong with me.

"I'm good honestly, and I have no idea. I think I've really pissed him off but I have no idea what I did. Maybe I shouldn't have come after all. I'm obviously not making things easier for you." He shrugged and pulled me in for a side hug without saying anything. He didn't need to. The hug was just what I needed and I smiled knowing I'd actually made progress with him on a day I thought I'd ruined it all.

Once they had finally finished their mini argument they both returned and stared at me with an expression that seemed more like apprehension than anything else. Were they waiting for me to ask them something?

"Are we ready to practise?" It was a question but I don't think I asked what they were expecting by the glance they gave each other before walking further onto the field.

They explained some of the rules to Gray who was listening very carefully and I tried my best to follow but there were so many things coming out of their mouths that the words just seemed to jumble together. I wasn't understanding any of it.

"You want to run with the ball Dot?" I saw a smirking Sam ask and I was about to answer before I noticed the death glare he was getting from Luke. What was going on?

"I'm not sure I followed a word of what you said to be honest. How about I watch for today and if you need me I can try to jump in." I was already stepping back when Gray threw the ball to me and to everyone's surprise I caught it. I jumped up and down and danced while holding the ball before correcting myself and trying very hard to look cool.
"Err...yeah so maybe I got a little excited there."

"How about throwing it back?" Gray said and a small tug of his lips told me he knew that there was no way I was going to be able to throw it to him. He was so far away.

My face must've shown my apprehension and just as Luke went to open his mouth to offer his help, I threw the ball as hard as I could and it smacked Luke in the chest.

"Oh god! I was aiming for Gray! I'm so sorry, did I hurt you?" He chuckled at me and rubbed his chest before putting on a clearly fake pained face.

"It hurts so bad." He smirked again and I huffed out a sigh before giving him the middle finger. Which earned me the eyebrow quirk yet again. Stupid brooding man can't go ten minutes without raising his stupid eyebrow at me! And just for that he deserved both hands.

My anger must've been funny to him because he burst out laughing. It completely mesmerised me and I found myself watching as his muscles shifted and contracted as he laughed under his tight T-shirt. I don't know what's wrong with me. I've never ogled a man like this before.

"Sam, I swear, I don't want to hurt you. Stay away or leave if you can't control yourself." I looked between them completely confused by the statement. Was there some unspoken conversation going on or was everyone else clued in except me?

I checked with Gray and he shook his head before lowering it and just staring at the floor. Did he know too?

I backed away feeling like I was definitely doing something that was making everyone uncomfortable and walked until the backs of my legs hit my car. Opening the door I got into the drivers seat and closed the door. Luke and Sam seemed to relax a bit more once I was in the car and I couldn't help but think they were only tolerating me and that I really wasn't wanted here.

I sat there for an hour writing down everything they did on my back-up notepad for Gray and watching videos on YouTube of American football tutorials when they had little talks that I couldn't hear from the car.

I was seven pages in when I saw them start to walk back over. I quickly titled the notepad "Dot's American Football Guide" and then slotted it into the glovebox. I got out of the car and said a quick thank you to both Sam and Luke while keeping my eyes away from theirs. I pointed to say I was going back into the car and I belted up while I waited for Gray to join me.

I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel while I waited and jumped when I heard the tapping of the window next to my head. I pressed the button and waited awkwardly while it wound its way down and then looked to find Luke's face suddenly very close to mine.

"I just wanted to check you were ok." He said the words like he cared but the tone he used couldn't have sounded more indifferent. Why bother asking if he didn't want to know?

"I'm good, yeah, thanks."

"Well, ok, if you're sure." With that, he and Sam walked to his jeep and jumped in smoother than I ever could before driving in the direction of where I assume they lived. In the time I'd spent watching them go Gray had gotten in and buckled up and was looking at me while he waited for me to go.

"Oh sorry. I was a million miles away then." I laughed awkwardly and he chuckled a little. I looked at him so quickly it almost felt like my neck was going snap. "What's so funny?" I couldn't help but smile with him.

"Oh nothing. Just that you have a thing for my coach which can either end really well for me or absolutely destroy my chances on the team."

"What? I don't have a thing for Luke!" He shrugged at my statement like it didn't matter what I said because he felt he knew better.

If that's how he felt I was going to have to make sure to stay away from Coach Lucas. No more Luke. I don't know him and I must be professional with Gray's teachers. I won't risk Gray not getting on the team because of me. He really wanted this and if it helped make him feel more at home here then I'd do just about anything.

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