Chapter 11

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I rolled around in bed waiting for sleep to finally take me but it was pointless. I hadn't been able to take the smile off my face since I'd gotten home and after watching a movie with Gray, I finally decided to call it a night.

When we got home I thought it would be nice to have some time together. That and I really didn't want to be alone to let my mind wander and relive the evening over and over and end up over thinking.

We'd talked about school and he asked about how I'm finding the move over here and it was just like old times. When he brought up the whole Luke situation I just asked if we could talk about it tomorrow. I needed time to think about the whole thing before I even mentioned a word to Gray. I didn't want him getting his hopes up or worrying or anything about it.

After the movie and a disgusting amount of popcorn, we called it a night. I felt a little disgusting after all the crying and arguing so I had another quick shower in my adjoining bathroom and put on a pair of shorts and my favourite baggy top. It was a uni T-shirt that my dad bought for me but he completely misread the label and bought a XL instead of a medium.

I've lied in this bed for so long that my wet hair was almost dry and I still was no closer to sleep. My mind kept taking me back to the kiss.

The moment I pressed my lips to his I felt like the world stopped. My body was on fire. It took him half a second to realise what was happening but then he pulled my body to his and started to return the kiss and my heart beat faster than I thought possible. The feel of his muscles contracting against my body, like he was forcing himself to calm down. His huge hands on the lowest part of my back, holding me to him. The deep growl in his throat when I moved my hands from the stubble on his face to run them through the soft short strands of his hair.

My own moans were near to embarrassing but every moan that seemed to escape made him groan in response. I'd never been kissed that way. It might have been me that started the kiss but it was him that dominated it. It was like I was made for him and him for me. Every piece fit together and I felt whole. Like my whole life was nothing until right now.

The awkward moment when a cough pulled me from him just as I felt his tongue ask for entrance. I felt my face flush and saw one of the seniors from the football field waiting to speak to Luke.

I'd said nothing but smiled at Luke before walking off towards my car. I felt for the guy standing there because I can only imagine the death glare he got from Luke. I felt the air change when I was walking away and I knew whatever Luke was going to say wasn't going to be nice.

All I could do now was re-live every single second of the kiss. Every moment I lied in this bed I wished I was near him to ask if he felt the pull. The need to be near him again was shocking. I'd never been clingy or wanted to be around any of my boyfriends before (the whole two of them) but with Luke, even though he's not even my boyfriend, I just wanted to be close. I wanted to be able to smell him and have his hands on my skin, his lips on mine. What was wrong with me? I felt like a love sick teenager that couldn't separate from their partners.

I'd checked my phone countless times to see if he'd called or text but nothing. I really didn't know where I stood with him now and a little part of me was on edge from it.

A loud howl came from outside and it sounded so close to my window that it made me jump. It sounded almost comforting and I realised that wolves were probably outside and that made me smile.

I'd always had a thing for wolves. I used to have a duvet cover plastered in wolves and posters of them over my bed. Dad used to tell me all about the different kinds and show me videos of times he'd seen wolves when he was younger and even one where he got to touch one.

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