a new friend

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the brocken gorl woked off away from the burning pile of child, hot babi boi, and school bus. she stated her jorney of with a bite to micdoonalds. As she choomped down on her scrumptious lumptious prumptious lunchious dumptious oomtious oompa loompa lookin chicken noogies wit a side of tv statec spirte and bbquei sooice. 

suddenly, a hot scrumptious sweaty tasty yummy tummy boy waked in to ooder some scrumptious lumptious prumptious lunchious dumptious oomtious oompa loompa looking chiked noogets.

after he got is nuggies, he decided to sit down next too the gorl.

"so uh can i have your n-n-n-n-number?🥵😢😫🥶" the hot sizzling scrumptious volumptious baby boy asked the girl.

" OMG DON MESS WIT ME" the musty crusty dusty girl yelled," IM JUST TOO BROCKEN😭😭😖😖😔😔😰😰!!!!!1!11!!11!!!!!"

"Wait, your brocken? That means-", but before he could finish...

"NO!1! YOU DONT UNDERSTAND....." the girl whipped out her notebook and started writing something down. As she scrumptiously scribbled away, she stated to sparkle and levetete again,just as she did berfore.

She then dragged him up into the air, causing the walls around them to mister sister collapse due to the brocken energy. Before see could even do anything, the boy yelled,

"Wait!!!11!1 I-i-i-i-i-i-i'm brocken t-t-too..." 

"Wait...really?"the gorl was shocked. She had never seen another brocken person in 7 years, ever since she had seen that ugly musty crusty dusty usty rusty husty fusty kid brocken boy in 3rd grade. Brocken people were very rare, and she had been trying to find a brocken friend her whole life.

"You can trust me." said the boy, "I know where all of the brocken people are. I can take them to you."

The boy held out his hand...

And she took it.

just too b-b-b-b-brocken...(joke)Where stories live. Discover now