characters + disclaimer

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nishiruma riki [ ni-ki ]
- shota's closest friend
- dances and plays basketball as a hobby
- draws quite often and sometimes paint
- loves music
- middle child
- birthday: 09.12.05
- first year university student

haku aki
- shota's younger sister
- loves classic music
- loves flowers
- classic movies are her favorite
- youngest child
- birthday: 25.10.06
- senior year in high school

haku shota
- aki's older brother
- riki's closest friend
- plays games and dances as a hobby
- oldest child
- loves music
- first year university student
-birthday: 01.02.05

other characters will be introduced throughout the story.


This story was all made by me and is completely fiction. do not take anything personal. if there is another story similar im sorry i didn't know. any hate towards any character her will not be tolerated and comments will be deleted.
i started drafting this on 07.10.23

plagiarism is a crime so please don't copy this!!

07.17.23 - this was honestly so impulsive but it's fine. dw guys, i actually have motivation for this story! and i actually have a plot for it lol.

enjoy reading this boy <3

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