02 - Rem Galleu

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Faltra City was not far from the Starfall Tower. About five minutes by foot. It was a frontier town since it was situated on the border with the Demon Kingdom. In this sense, it would be the first town that would be attacked by Fallen.

It was a fortified city with thick walls that formed an octagon, at the corners of which watchtowers had been erected; a canal surrounded the walls externally, forming a kind of moat. In addition to these, a magical barrier covered the entire fortified town.

Yuto and Diablo could understand that the purpose was to serve as a defence against the Magic Beasts that inhabited the plain and the Men-Eating Wood. They had met them and, using Cross Reverie's measuring systems, their levels were around 60.

These defences had to keep away magical beasts and demonic creatures known as the Fallen.

Or this was supposed to be.

Yuto and Diablo were not human. Diablo was a demon whose equipment had been forged by demonic beings while Yuto was a demi-servant, probably as similar as there was to a magical beast.

Yet, they had managed to pass without too much difficulty. They felt they were being watched, but they simply ignored them for the time being.

Yuto, Diablo and the summoners Rem and Shera walked along the main road. Most buildings were two-storey buildings with triangular roofs and wooden doors, all built of stone.

The city was quite lively, the streets still swarmed with people of different races; Humans, Demons, Pantherians, Grasswalkers, Dwarves, Elves and even demons living peacefully.

They headed to the inn which was located halfway between the west gate and the central square. They felt that everyone's eyes were on them, especially Yuto and Shera because of the cockers.

Yuto was inspecting around. Since Rem explained to him where he was, he had noticed certain similarities with Cross Reverie, the online game that many of his classmates played. He, too, had played it for some time, but it was just a cover to keep the truth about his identity hidden.

There were too many familiar things. The Starfall Tower and also the Frontier City Faltra were familiar to him. And even Diablo was somehow familiar, too. He once heard one of his classmates curse him after being defeated by another solo player within his dungeon.

Yuto and Diablo watched the sign. In Cross Reverie, the utility of the inn was not only to recover HP and MP. The bar on the first floor was the ideal place to get information from NPCs and meet with other players.

But first, the reception.

Diablo grabbed the metal handle and opened the wooden door.

There, the receptionist was a young pantherian with light brown hair that went down to her neck. She had panther triangular ears and a long tail. As part of her work, she wore white and black waitress clothes.

The pantherian girl shook her hair and made a smiling face.

"Hello ! I am the poster girl of the Inn "Relief", Mei-chan!"

Inside the game, she was an NPC doing the same job as that parallel world.

"Rem-chan, welcome back ✩! Were you successful in the summoning?"

"More or less," Rem murmured as she pointed at Yuto and Diablo behind her.

Mei moved her head and saw Yuto and Diablo leaning against the wall, both giving them their backs.

"Too many people. I'm nauseous," Diablo thought as he drowned his head between his shoulders. He was an NEET after all.

"Damn it. I must resist the urge to touch those ears," Yuto mentally said trying to repel temptation.

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