CHAPTER 8: Making New friends

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 "Some souls just understand each other upon meeting." 

– N.R. Hart


" In this place people do not smile," I mutter, my voice an unsettling whisper as I hold her face with my hands stained in dirt " Give me your smile..." My eyes fixate on her face, studying it with a disturbing intensity, " it's beautiful... it should be mine" I grin, no longer caressing her soft face gently.

Jaime's eyes widen in terror realizing the danger she's in. Panic sets in, and she attempts to flee, but my grip tightens, preventing any escape.

"Teach me.." I demand greedily, my tone dripping with an unsettling desire.

Suddenly, Raegan, sensing the imminent threat, springs into action. With a swift and decisive move, he pushes me away, brandishing his sword.

" Be gone you scoundrel," he says, the sharp point of the sword aimed directly at me.

Relief sweeps through the onlookers as the prince intervenes to rescue the damsel in distress. I pick myself up from the dimly lit stage, crawling away like a defeated creature, the shadows swallowing me as I retreat.

"Nice job," Melisa says, congratulating me backstage.

I shrug nonchalantly, discarding the soiled cloth covering my shirt. My classmates somehow forced me into this role saying I was perfect for it. Melisa nominated me thinking she was doing me a favor and the rest of the class voted for me either because they think it suits me or they somehow find it funny.

I massaged my back as soon as I sat down. This was the third time Raegan pushed me a bit too hard this week. He wasn't doing it on purpose, I hope.

The busy schedule we had helped me, allowing me to shove those unsettling thoughts to the recesses of my mind. I didn't have to think much of my mother's test results which we were waiting for. I didn't have to think about the dream I had.

I sit down waiting patiently for Jaime to finish her lines. Judging from our previous presentations she still had thirty minutes to go.

Melisa and the other kids who were done with their tasks were huddling in the corner. From the gist of their conversation, they were planning to take a tour around the classrooms.

"Rebeccah, do you want to join us?" Melisa extends an invitation.Her friends nudge her, looking at her incredulously.

I considered her offer for a moment. The next play is still 3 hours from now. I promised Jaime I would look around with her and Raegan. They still haven't made up which is why she wants me there. As much as I want my best friend's full attention back I don't like seeing her unhappy. This is the chance for them to be alone together.

" Sure," I agreed, standing up to join them.

She seemed surprised but not as surprised as her friends are. There were four of them altogether. Melisa, a tall girl, a freckle-faced one, and a guy wearing glasses complete the quartet. I couldn't remember their names. I walk behind them awkwardly being the odd one out. Despite Melisa's attempts to include me in their conversation, my lack of enthusiasm prompts her to eventually give up on my reluctant participation.

I put my earphones in my ear listening to music as we walked around. We passed by a lot of strange booths on the way. I just watch them as they play and try out each one. There was a dating game, a horror house, a maze. A lot of interesting stuff but not enough to make me want to join.

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