chapter 1

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A body slammed into the bed. Her parents were out of the room to give her space to clear her mind. Her eyes stared at the wall of the bedroom. Her eyes began to feel wet. Her aching heart since earlier had not disappeared yet. Both hands firmly gripping the sheets as hard-hearted take the mixed feelings. She exhaled weakly and tried to shut her eyes.
Maybe If she sleeps now, tomorrow when she wakes up, all of this is only a nightmare.
 Or maybe not.
Sleep only makes me run away from reality but cannot change it...
“Omma and Appa already agreed to this”.
Omma's words come back to the ear. Her eyes started to get wet again. Suzy choked. That horrible day is now haunting her mind...
After years, she tried to forget everything about him, now it came back as a horrible reality.
She remembers the smirk on his face. From the start she knew that he was her nightmare encounter.
Suzy, stop! The voice inside her head quickly stopped her from continuing digging back everything that had long been stored.
Maybe all those things he did to her looked like a small matter to everyone else, but not to Suzy.
“I don't want to marry him”.
The tears she held in until now, fell quickly to her cheeks.


Her parents already accepted the proposal but what about her? Myungsoo sat alone on the balcony while looking at his phone wallpaper.
“Try to call her. This is her number”.
His omma gave him Suzy's number. What should he do? Should he call her? He shook his head. This is a crazy idea. If she hears his voice, maybe she will smash her phone immediately. The incident five years ago is still fresh in his memory. He admitted it. He was wrong but what can he do? He was just being jealous.


Chapter 1
Hoya and Sungyeol kept teasing Myungsoo about his marriage. They were surprised too when they'd heard about it from Myungsoo because they also know the story about the two of them.
“When will the two of you reconcile?”
 Sungyeol asked Myungsoo something even though he couldn't answer.
 She's stubborn, and she didn't even look at me yesterday. Myungsoo showed his disappointment by Suzy's attitude towards him at the family meeting.
 I know she is stubborn but the same goes to you. Both of you are big-headed egomaniacs.”
 Myungsoo draws a bitter smile when he hears what Hoya said. That is true! He admits it in his heart.
 “And you don't even apologize for what you did to her. You even cut the head of her rabbit doll”.
 “I was ten ! What do you expect? And she was at fault too”. Myungsoo scowled. 
  Sungyeol scoffed.
 “Her fault when you got jealous seeing her playing with the other kids? You are hilarious, L”.
 Myungsoo pouted when he knew he couldn't win an argument with his two best friends.
 “You know that I'm bad with words, I can't tell her that I like her”. 
  Myungsoo tried to defend himself. He knows they will tease him back.
 “Indeed, your action towards her is bad too.”
 Myungsoo sighed and raised both of his hands, showing that he already surrendered.


 “Good Morning new bride! How are you?” Krystal stared at the face in front of her, Suzy looks rather sullen despite the fact she just started on her married life. Now she's starting to come back from work. Both Suzy and Krystal worked as nurses. They're still in their practical years and have been friends since childhood.
Suzy draws a bitter smile. “I'm fine”.
“How about you and him?” Krystal raised her left eyebrow with a curious face.
“Just like that”.  She shrugged.
“I'm serious Suzy”.
Suzy's expressions change. She sighed. “You already know it, Soo jung”.
“How long do you want to be like this Su?”. Krystal asked her gently. “How long will you keep on being calm like that?”
“Soo Jung, You know that I'm married to him because of my parents”. Suzy rubbed her face. “I don't love him. I don't even like him. And I don't know why on earth he did not object to this arrangement from the start. To drive me up the walls I guess.” Said Suzy with her voice becoming weaker.
But Krystal knows and understands her more than Suzy herself.  Her ego and stubbornness are sometimes higher than a man's.  She will never admit her true feelings.  “Are you sure that 's what you feel?”
“Please... I know myself”.
“I know he loves you Su...”
Suzy's eyes stared at Krystal when she heard what Krystal just said.
“Don't Joke with me. It's not funny at all”. She shook her head.
Krystal smiles “We will see who is the one who jokes around”.


  It's been three weeks since they got married and live together. They live in a newly built house  that Myungsoo's parents bought, but the house feels like a boarding house for both of them. Myungsoo sleeps in the master room, while Suzy sleeps in the guest room. Suzy always tries to avoid Myungsoo as much as she can. She doesn't want to look at his face even for a second.
  Today it's her day off, so she got up a little bit late. Myungsoo may have already left for work and Suzy doesn't care about anything  for him. She got dressed and walked out from the room to go to the kitchen but her feet stopped when she saw he was standing next to the kitchen counter, making some coffee.
  Oh My God ! Don't tell me it's his day off too !
  Myungsoo noticed Suzy stood there frozen solid and Suzy was taken aback. Should she just walk into the kitchen like nothing just happened and just ignore him or should she go back to her room?
  Seeing Suzy still standing there like a statue, Myungsoo understands that she's still not comfortable around him or the truth is, she doesn't like him. Myungsoo coughed and made his way to the living room, leaving Suzy alone in the kitchen.
  Suzy let out a big breath and made coffee for herself, her mind thinking: did he already have breakfast? But she quickly stopped her own mind. No need to think about him. He's an adult. He can take care of himself. That's not her problem anyway.
  You're his Wife !
  Suzy shook her head. Don't think about it. She tried to calm herself. She opened a cabinet and saw nothing in it. She opened the refrigerator. Empty. The milk was not seen anywhere. They are out of groceries !
  She sighed heavily. They need to buy the groceries. Sooner or later she has to talk to him too. Her paycheck hasn't come out yet. What is she going to do? Make him buy it first and pay him later? She walked to the living room and saw him watching the television. His eyes focused on the television.
  "We need to talk". She said while standing next to the couch.
  Myungsoo was a little bit surprised. Is she talking to him or is he hallucinating? The eyes that were currently focused onto the television now changed onto the face in front of him. She's here that means...
  "We need to talk". She said it again, in case he did not hear what she said earlier.
  Myungsoo raised both his eyebrows.
  "We are out of groceries, we need to buy some".
  Myungsoo turned his head to television again.
  Suzy was a little bit surprised. He just ignored her? He is a jerk. At least she tried to speak to him first ! She felt like she's going to blow up when suddenly, the television had been turned off and Myungsoo already stood up. Suzy looked at him with a surprised face.
  "What are you doing? Go change, we're going to buy some groceries now".
  Suzy quickly came back  to her senses.
  "My paycheck still is not in yet, I will pay you back later". She quickly went into her room to change her clothes.
  Myungsoo shook his head, Why does she need to pay back? I'm her husband right? Suzy what I am to you? It feels like she's my roommate, not my wife.
 Myungsoo was lost in his thoughts.

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