chapter 3

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Krystal is currently eating at the Hospital's cafeteria, alone since today is Suzy's day off. Then suddenly, a man sat in front of her. She's a little bit surprised. Krystal looked up to the person in front of her, who is now smiling brightly.
"Sorry, all seats are full. Mind if I sit here?" That man asked her.
Krystal looked around at the cafeteria and saw many empty seats. She's confused and frowned. Is he flirting with her? She thought.
"I'm sorry. I'm just joking". That man started to laugh. " You may not remember me but I'm Lee Howon ".
Krystal looks at that face, He seems familiar. Lee Howon? She's trying to remember that name.
"You are Kim Myungsoo's friend right? ". Krystal asked.
Hoya laughed.
" You remember me now? "
Krystal nods. Her mind is full with a lot of questions. Why is he sitting in front of her? As she recalled, he never once talked to her since school.
"Suzy is not here today?". Hoya asked.
"Her day off". Krystal answered him and continued eating her lunch.
" Odd. Today is Myungsoo's day off too ".
Hearing that, Krystal stops eating. They both take the same day off? Suzy didn't tell her about this yesterday. As she remembered, Suzy said that today is gonna be her own time at the house without her husband. Coincidence?
" So, you have been Suzy's best friend since forever, right? ". Hoya clears his throat. " Any chance Suzy always talks about Myungsoo to you? "
"Are you Myungsoo's Spy?" Krystal asked.
"Er... As you can see. I'm not Myungsoo's spy. He's my best friend too. I just want to help him to win his wife's heart".
Krystal smiled. She feels so happy to know that Myungsoo wants to win Suzy's heart.
"So, you're telling me that Myungsoo really likes Suzy? "
"Of course he likes her. Or else why does he want to marry her, right? "
Krystal smiles widely, Take that Suzy. Who's joking now? Then she stopped smiling when she realized Hoya was staring at her. Krystal cleared her throat.
"Did you come here just to spy on Suzy? ". Krystal stared right into his eyes.
Hoya laughed.
"No, I'm not. I told you I'm not a spy. I'm just accompanying my mom for her check up, then I saw you sit here. It's a pure coincidence".  Hoya explained himself.
"Okay, I believe you Mr.Cupid.".Krystal smirked.
" Mr. Cupid? ". Hoya raised his left brow.
" You want to help Myungsoo win Suzy's heart, right? That means you are Mr.Cupid. Help people fall in love ". Krystal giggled.
" So, do you want to be Mr.Cupid's assistant? ". Ask hoya.
Krystal smiled, They both smiled to each other like they understood each other's minds.


They both safely arrived at Myungsoo's parent's house yesterday. Suzy was watching television in the living room with her sister in law and brother in law. Myungsoo has 3 siblings, including him. His sister is ten years old and his brother is seventeen years old.
  Myungsoo walked into the living room and saw Suzy watching the television. Last night was really a mess. Suzy went to bed really late, he understands that Suzy is not comfortable sharing the same room with him. She changed her clothes in the bathroom and he had to sleep on the couch.
  He walked to them and sat next to Suzy.
"What are you watching?". Asked Myungsoo and he looked at Suzy.
  Suzy's eyes focused on the television. "Phineas and Ferb".  Said Suzy and continued laughing when Candace failed again to bust her brothers. When the show was finished, Suzy realized that Myungsoo was sitting next to her and he was really close!  But she just ignored it. She knows that is only an act.
"Minhwan, Give me that remote". Myungsoo to his brother.
"But hyung, noona wants to watch Phineas and Ferb".
"The show has already ended". Myungsoo took the remote controller and changed the channel to a badminton match. Jieun, his little sister, cried.
"Oppa ! I want to watch cartoons. Not this boring thing!".
  Suzy smiled and she started to scold Myungsoo. Jieun laughed when Suzy was taking her side. "I really like Suzy unnie, Because unnie is on my side".
Hearing that, Myungsoo laughed. "You don't like oppa anymore?".  Jieun pouted "No, because oppa won't let me watch cartoons".
Myungsoo and Suzy laughed.
"Arasseo, Oppa will change the channel, okay? Jieun likes to watch Gumball right? Oppa will let you watch that ugly blue cat and yellow fish". Myungsoo changed the channel to a cartoon show.
"Gumball and Darwin, not ugly oppa!". said Jieun but her eyes were already on the screen.
 Minhwan suddenly asked an awkward question. "Hyung, What do you call noona?". Suzy was startled when she heard that question. Her eyes quickly looked at Myungsoo who was still calm.
  Myungsoo laughed and cuddled Suzy's shoulder. "Of course I call your noona, honey. Because she's too sweet !".
Suzy, who is being cuddled by Myungsoo, felt like throwing up when she heard what he just said. To be honest, Her heart really beat at a fast rate when Myungsoo cuddled her. Although It's all only an act, sometimes she can't really handle this kind of skin ship. Maybe that's because she never had a boyfriend before.
"Honey? Ppfft ! Listening to you makes me sick, hyung". Myungsoo threw a pillow to Minhwan when he heard him say that.
"So Noona, What do you call hyung?".
  Suzy pause. What should she call him? "Ask your hyung". Suzy shrugged.  Myungsoo looked at Suzy. "Why me, honey? You should answer that".
Suzy looked at Minhwan who is still waiting for an answer. "Myunggy oppa". Said Suzy. When Minhwan heard that, he burst into laughter.
"It's like a dog's name".  Minhwan still laughed.
Myungsoo looked at Suzy, "What did you call me?" Suzy covered her mouth to hold her laughter. Myungsoo felt annoyed and then pinched one of Suzy's cheeks.
"Auuu! It hurts!" She rubbed her red cheek.
"You deserved it". Myungsoo laughed and pinched her other cheek.
"Hyung!! Stop lovey dovey. There are children in this house ". Minhwan shook his head.
  Suzy's face turned red when Minhwan said that to them.

  Suzy brushed her teeth. She looked at herself in the mirror. She smiled on her own when she reminded herself of the incident earlier in the living room. Then her mind straightly remembered what happened to them at their house the other night when Myungsoo asked her what they should call each other.
  She felt like dying at that time. Suzy shook her head when she remembered Myungsoo cuddled her shoulder. She needs to erase that memory from her mind, she knows that she can't do anything suspicious in front of Myungsoo's siblings, that is why she just let it be.
  When she came out from the bathroom, she saw Myungsoo was reading a book on the bed. He is already wearing his pajamas. Suzy walked to the dressing table and took the blow dryer and started to dry her wet hair. She secretly glanced at Myungsoo through the mirror.
  Myungsoo got up from the bed and sat on the couch. He can't really focus on his reading since Suzy came out from the bathroom. She smelt really good. She's not wearing a sexy gown but for him she was still sexy. Her skin is white as milk, her hair is long and wavy. Every time she smiles, her eyes do the same. Although she never smiles at him.
"I'm going to sleep first. Good night". Said Myungsoo to Suzy who was already finishing drying her hair.
  The reason why he wanted to sleep first is because he was afraid that he could no longer hold himself from her.
"Good night". Said Suzy.
  Suzy slowly jumped on the bed and covered herself with the blanket. She looked at Myungsoo back. Does she still hate him? Deep down, she knows that she can't hate him forever. Suzy was surprised when Suddenly Myungsoo woke up and changed his position. He sat on the couch and looked at her.
 "I'm sorry". He said.
  Suzy was confused, Why is he apologizing to her now? What does he apologize for?
 "I'm sorry because I hurt you".
  After hearing that, Suzy's heart feels really painful. She started to remember everything. All the things that happen to them from the past. She remembered how humiliating it was for her in front of the entire school. She remembers how her first prom date looked at her. She remembered everything and started to cry. She felt the pain, the hate again. She really hates him. Really hate him.
"I hate you." Suzy sobbed.

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