Chapter 2

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Awkward. Suzy feels really awkward sitting in the car alone with Myungsooo. She doesn't feel comfortable and blamed herself for not to think before she agreed to go buy the groceries together. She should just ask for his money and buy it herself but she can't say that. The silent mood in the car made Suzy feel nervous and she couldn't even look at him.
  Myungsoo noticed the awkwardness between them. He turned on the radio to make it less awkward between them. He doesn't know what to do but it's really a great chance to talk to her now. Today is the first time he heard her voice after they moved into the house that his parents bought. To be honest, he's really happy when she talks to him without no one around, even though it's about groceries. He tried to act cool when she talked to him but deep inside his heart, he was cheering happily.
  They safely arrived at the M Mall. After parking the car, Suzy rushed to get out of the car. She needs air. She felt like she was drowning in that car. Suzy walked into the market, leaving Myungsoo who pushed the trolley alone. Myungsoo walked faster to catch up with her but still distanced some space from her. He understands that she doesn't want to stand so close to him.
  Myungsoo picked up some vegetables, and Suzy noticed that. Myungsoo picked up some meat and fish and Suzy noticed that too but she just ignored it.
  Suzy saw the food that she wanted to buy. Instant noodles. A lot of instant noodles. She loves ramen and she also doesn't know how to cook but she's the pro when it comes to ramen. She can cook it in more ways than one.
  Myungsoo was a little bit surprised when he saw Suzy holding a lot of Instant noodles and putting them into the trolley. Don't tell me she can't cook or she doesn't want to cook for me? Myungsoo shook his head. Suzy disappeared again and appeared with cartons of milk in her hands.
"I'm done". Said Suzy after putting the milk into the trolley.
"That's all?". Myungsoo can't believe his eyes.
  Is that it? The groceries she wanted to buy are ramen and milk? At least take some bread or biscuits. Myungsoo scratched his head.
" Yes.. ". Suzy answered shortly and avoided his stare.
"Suzy Is that you!".
  Suzy and Myungsoo flinched when a voice interrupted them. Both of them turned around to the source voice and Suzy saw Young Ji standing there, smiling with her boyfriend.
"YoungJi! What are you doing here?". Suzy smiled and hugged her.
"Just shopping. Who is that with you?".  Young Ji's eyes looked at the person standing beside Suzy.
  Suzy pause. What should she do? How should she introduce him? As who? A boyfriend? No. A husband? NO. Roommate? Maybe.
"This is myungsoo. Um. He's- ". Suzy paused. She can't find the right word to say.
  Myungsoo shook hands with Young Ji and her boyfriend.
"I'm Kim Myungsoo. Suzy's husband".
  Young Ji looked surprised and Suzy too.
"I'm Young Ji. Suzy's old roommate from college. And this is my boyfriend, Jackson ". Young Ji introduces the man who is holding her hand. He looks jealous when Young Ji shakes hands with Myungsoo.
"Suzy, I miss you". Young Ji kept hugging Suzy.
"Me too". Suzy smiled.
"Why didn't you tell me that you're married? ".
"I lost your number, Sorry ".
"Aish... Here.. I give you my number. Don't lose it again okay.". Young Ji gave her number to Suzy.
" Nee.. ".
" Give me your number, I will save it in my cell phone ". Young Ji took out her cellphone.
  Suzy gave her number to Young Ji.
" Okay, I will save it. Bae Suzy... " Young Ji paused and suddenly laughed " I'm sorry, it should be Kim Suzy, right?"
" Er... yeah ". Suzy just agreed with her.
" Okay, See you later Suzy ! ". Young Ji gave her last hug and left them.
  Suzy breath heavily. Her eyes quickly glances at Myungsoo and something feels really off. Myungsoo face expression suddenly changed after YoungJi left. He looked mad.
" Let's pay ". His voice sounded tense.
  Suzy just followed him like nothing happened and she doesn't want to know why.
  When they get into the car, the situation feels tense. Not like before.
  Myungsoo is angry. He's not happy but he just kept it within himself. He's really upset when Suzy doesn't know how to introduce him as her husband. He can see from Suzy's eyes that she hesitated when she was about to introduce him.

  Suzy is watching a movie in the living room, while Myungsoo is in his room talking to Hoya on the cellphone.
" She hesitated. "
" She still doesn't forgive you? " Hoya's voice sounds clear on the other side.
" It seems not. This morning is the first time she talked to me and now I don't know what to do."
" Dude ! Talk to her. Have a real conversation with her ".
" I can't. She will ignore me. "
" Then ask her something that she can't even ignore you ".
" Like what? ".
"Hmm.. Ask her if she likes cheese ! ".
"Yah ! Pabo ! Don't be ridiculous ".
Hoya Laughed.
" I'm just joking, That's a line from a movie I watched last night ".
"Geez, Stop watching movies and help me ! "
"Okay, okay. Now I'm serious. The best thing to do is talk to her."
"Talk to her..."


  Myungsoo walked slowly into the living room and looked at Suzy who was immersed with the movie she's currently watching. He slowly walked to the sofa and sat next to her. Suzy, who was still engrossed watching the movie, is now distracted by a person who sat next to her.  Why? What is he trying to do to her? Suzy was bewildered.
" Er.... Suzy ". Myungsoo opened his mouth.
  His voice really caught Suzy's attention and now the eyes that were focused onto the television are now directly staring at him. He can see in those eyes, that she's confuseD and a little bit surprised by his action. Myungsoo cleared his throat and tried to talk to her again.
" Do you already have dinner? "
  Suzy realized that she kept staring at him and quickly looked back onto the television again.
" I already did ".
  Myungsoo saw the ramen cup on the table.
" What do you want, Myungsoo Shi? ".
  The cold tone of her voice made Myungsoo hesitate to reconcile with her. She still hates him. Anyone would hate him after what he did to her. He knew that was his fault but now he changed. He did that not because he hated her, that is just because he really liked her.
" Actually my mom called and asked us to come back home this week ". Myungsoo lied.
  That is the only way he can talk to her and to do that, he needs to go back to his parents' house. Myungsoo remembered after the wedding was finished, Suzy was really friendly with his mother and father. His mother already loves her. She's funny and has a great personality, she treats him well in front of his family. Suzy smiled and laughed, but he knew that was only an act. They acted like a lovely couple in front of their parents but the truth is they never talk to each other and Suzy treats him differently when it was just the two of them.
" What did you say to them? ". Suzy asked.
"I said I will visit them".
  Suzy's face suddenly turned bitter. Why does he make the decisions without talking to her first?
"Why don't you talk to me first? "
"Well, first Mom wants to visit us, then I said no. It's better if we visit them".
  That is half true. His mother did call and wanted to visit them but Myungsoo tried his best not to make her mother visit them or else their secret will be exposed and he doesn't want that to happen.
  Suzy sighs heavily.
" Okay, Let's visit them then ".
  Myungsoo smiled, His heart cheering happily.
" By the way... "
  Suzy looked towards him again.
" What should we call each other in front of them? "
  Suzy thought, what should they call each other? No. She doesn't want to think about that. NO.
" It's up to you ".
  Suzy turned off the television and got up.
" I'm going to sleep. ". She walked to her room.
  Myungsoo quickly said something before she open her room door.
" Good night, honey ! "
  Suzy startled with the " honey " part. She quickly opened her room and closed the door. She leaned her back onto the door and her heart beat rapidly when she recalled Myungsoo calling her honey.. No ! Stop ! She shook her head.
  Myungsoo smiled. Even though she didn't give him a response , her cute reaction made him really happy. How much he missed teasing her.

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