Chapter 9 Aftermath

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(at the top we have some Pog mc skins I saw In the Hypixel Lobby!)

Player POV

I woke up with the sun in my eyes and Y/N still asleep, slightly hugging on my arm.

I can't believe that was all a dream; Oh who am Kidding, there's no way Y/N would like me that way.

I got out of bed slowly, as not to wake her than headed downstairs to see what mom was making for breakfast.


I've waken up,  Player's gone and the door was left open. The smell of fresh maple coming in through the hall.

I got out of bed, walked downstairs to see Player, sipping on some orange juice at the kitchen table.

"Hi Y/N,  Good Mornin!" Player's mom said, waving with spatula in hand.

"Morning Mrs.Bouchard!!" I said and waved in her direction.

I walked over and sat down next to player, phone in hand and headphones over his ears.

"Morning Nerd!!" I ruffled his hair up and screamed in his ear.

"OH JEEZ!!!" 



"You get scared too easy Nerd! We ought to toughen you up!"

"Says the one who mistook some lint for a SPIDER!"

"You're never gonna let me live that down will ya?"


Player's dad entered our conversation, just talking about how kids these days are so soft. We almost fell asleep from boredom and soon, left to go get ready for the day.

Player POV

"Wow my dad sure knows how to entertain a crowd huh?" I said to Y/N as we headed up the stairs to get ready.

"Yeah no kidding. A real Amanda Gorman at speaking."

"So today we're going fishing right?"

"Yeah, I think so."

---Time Skip Brought To You By Superglue's Stickiness---

"Welcome To the Great Lakes Y/N!"


Yay i finished a chapterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

I'm tired but happy I got this done.

love you all and hope u sleep well!


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