{Chap.1} .John Hancock.

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 "Must you be the edgy kid John?" 

John looked up from his phone, and grinned. "Of course, I work at hot topic for fucks sake!" The man who spoke before, Deacon, shook his head. He and John had been friends for a while so they often messed with each other. However, John was rather 'edgy' as deacon said. However he didn't have dyed hair, he had blonde wavey locks, about shoulder length and had a soft stubble. He had a size 25.0MM (look this up! It's actually a beautiful size and as someone whose had gauges, I love this size) gauge in his ears with the anarchy symbol on them. He also had 3 normal ear piercings. The helix, forward helix, and the industrial. Plus as a bonus, he lost a bet with Deacon and then had  to get snake-bites, which he doesn't regret. 

However, even though Deacon was his friend, he was also his dealer. That's right, your favourite edge lord was a junkie. Though, he only liked weed and cocaine, but still a junkie. And deacon supplied him with what he needed whenever he needed it. 

"Anyways man, we're getting a new employee, he's the security guard. "

John groaned. "Man, I was hopin we got rid of the last one and wouldn't get a new one!" 

Deacon grinned softly. "Yea, then we could really cause trouble huh?"

" Yea! " John smiles as he stood up and got on his skateboard. "When he's coming?" He looked at Deacon, his smile turning to a mischievous smile.

"Hmm right now actually" Deacon said as he looked at his watch. Then he opened the door for John. "Go get em edge lord" he said jokingly. 

John smile widened and he pushed off on the skateboard, quickly picking up speed. He hummed softly and did a pop shuvit over a knocked over potted plant and kept going. RJ probably knocked the damn thing over, but it made for a good trick spot. When John noticed the Security Guard he slowed a bit, then he shifted his weight and did a Power slide and stopped directly in front of the guard. "Hey! You're the new guy right?"

 The guard huffed and nodded. "Yknow.. No skating inside.." 

 "Oh it's no worries, I work here! I work in the hot topic place, though you could probably guess that by my appearance" John grinned. The guard huffed again. "Just a tip by the way, if you see a redheaded Irish girl getting in trouble, come get me first, kay?" John turned on his board and pushed off again, and picked up speed easily again, this time he avoided the plant and went to hot topic for his working period. 


John sat in the mens bathroom that was close to where he worked, sitting on one of the sinks, smoking a joint. He had started to get out of his high from earlier that morning and he hated that. See John had a schedule based around his drug problem. Never sleep, do a line of coke, go to work, get high, continuing work, get high with Deacon if available, skip the rest of his working period, go home and do more coke. 

He wasn't a bad guy, at least he never did coke at work right? But honestly, he wasn't a bad guy, he was just a guy with some problems that's all. He wasn't bad, but he didn't consider himself a good guy either. He looked up to see the door click open, and in came the security guard. He had a name tag this time, saying his name was 'Valentine', John liked that name. 

"You're not supposed to be smoking in here, let alone have it be weed" Valentine said, closing the door behind him. John just grinned up at him before taking another hit of the joint, and blew the smoke upwards towards the vent. 

"What're you gonna do, arrest me?" He joked, wiggling his eyebrows in a trying to be seductive manner. 

Valentine sighed and leaned against the wall. "Nah, just this once I'll let you get away with it, but only this once"

"Fine with me Sir Valentine" he hummed with a gentle smile. 


John smiles widely as he rode on his skateboard, skipping the rest of his work period. He went up to the second floor to talk to the redheaded Irish girl, Cait. Now, she was running after him, yelling curses. Then she stopped, seeing what he was about to do. 

"John dont-" too late. 

John, who was smart to bring his skateboard because he couldn't out run her went straight for the escalator. He did an Ollie, and rotated just a little, and started a Crooked grind down the handrail. He smirked to himself and shifted his weight a bit once he landed and did another power slide to stop himself and he looked up at Cait who was greatly amazed. He waved with a cocky smile, and pushed off, going to where Deacon worked. 

As he was on his way he rolled into the coffee shop and hopped off his skateboard, ordering a coffee. Danse, the barista, took his order and made it. John pulled out his wallet to pay but saw he didn't have any money. 'damnit..' He cursed himself in his head. 

Danse looked at John. "That would be 24.67.." He muttered. John smiles at his and leaned on the counter.

 "Yknow danse, you have the prettiest hair I've ever seen! How to do you keep it so clean? " 

"Uhm.. Washing it.? 

John laughed as if he told a joke, then he leaned against the counter, holding his chin in his hands. "You're so pretty though, youve gotta do something special right?"

Danse stood confused. He didn't know why John had been so,, weird to say the least. "Hancock.. Just pay and go please..?" 

" Sorry danse! Can't do that, haven't finished complimenting you yet" 

Danse sighed and pressed a button he had under the counter to call in the guard whenever he needed it. John continued to talk and ramble random compliments. Then the door opened, and they both turned towards it. 

"Is there a problem here?" Valentine asked, standing in the doorway. John grabbed his coffee and smiled. 

"Not at all! Come join the conversation Valentine!"

Valentine walked over with a huff. John smiled, then pushed off his skateboard, taking off out the door, coffee in hand. 

"Hey wait you didnt-" Danse sighed. " He didn't pay for his drink.. " he said embarrassed as he looked at Valentine. 

"Ill pay for it, here" Valentine handed him $30. "Keep the change danse, you deserve it" he smiled and walked away, his smile filtering as he saw John doing a pop shuvit over a knocked over plant instead of picking it up, headed towards where deacon was. Nick sighed. 'what a handful..' 

(1146words! Also I made a specific playlist for John I'm this au,  https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2OlOf8V4NEPVkGoxXUuYIi?si=w9ijJeRyQcKn82tY-s-ARQ&utm_source=copy-link 

Have fun with that ^^)

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