{Chap. 4} .Long days and nights.

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(Heads up for this, it's about Hancock doing smexy stuff like BJ's and shit for some money then buying and doing drugs so uhm, Trigger warning lol)

John sighed when he finally got about 5miles away from the mall, away from his friends. He slowed down on his skateboard, then stopped and say on the side of the road for a moment. He needed to work on what prices he needs. Probably $10 for a blowjob, maybe 20 for sex, $30 for anything that could be considered "kinky" 

No.. Probably too pricey.. Although, it would work' he thought to himself. He sighed again, yea, that would be the prices he'd use. Now, he just needs to get to the part of town where he couldn't get caught by anyone he knew. 

He stood up and got on his skateboard and pushed off, staying perfect in the middle of the road. He didn't care about cars, he didn't care if he had to be on the sidewalk, he didn't care about much right now. He grabbed his phone and headphones, put them in, and played his playlist, putting his phone into his pocket. 

John had many different thoughts going on in his head. Thoughts of money, different ways he'll have to tell Deacon how he got the money, but.. Thoughts of Nick also popped up. This confused him, why would he be there? 

John shook his head softly, and tried to go faster on his skateboard, as if he could out run those thoughts. After a while, John sighed to himself, and did an olly onto the sidewalk. 'fucking nick valentine.. As if..' He thought to himself.


When John got to where he was supposed to be, he kicked up his skateboard, leaned it against the wall and took his hair out of its causal bun. His hair was long and flowy, blonde and pretty, he'd definitely be mistaken for a girl by at least a few drunk people, but since this was the "gay men do gay stuff for money" side of town, others would know he's a guy. He shook his head softly, his hair flowing over his shoulders. He gently sighed. He hadn't need to do this in months, so he was probably a mess in all honesty. 

John leaned against the wall by his skateboard and waited. 

After about 30minutes, a car pulled up by him. He knew this car, he definitely knew this car. The owner was someone named Vic. Someone who'd been a dick to him last time, but he paid well. 

Vic rolled down his window and looked at John. "Get in, right now" 

John smirked and complied. He got in the passenger seat, bringing his skateboard with him and laying it on the floor-board, and put his hair up in a low pony tail, just how Vic liked it. 

"So you disappear for months and now your back, why?" Vic asked, driving off. John hummed. 

"Got a debt to pay so I can get more coke, why, willing to pay up for me? Awww Viccy, you're so sweet" John smirked more and looked out the window.

"Well, not necessarily but I do have a request for you" Vic said then he parked in an empty parking lot  and turned towards John. He pulled out a small baggie from his pocket, and John instantly knew that white powder that he desperately craved. He looked up at Vic, but stayed quiet. "If you give me head, twice a week, I'll give you enough coke to last you until the next time we meet again, deal?" 

John pondered on this for a moment. Twice a week, he gets coke to last him, he doesn't need money.. Perfect!

John nodded with a lazy smile. "Sure Vic. But before we start, can I have some of that now..?" He asked softly, eyeing the bag. 

"No, not yet." Vic said and he put the bag back into his pocket. John verbally whined. He needed that, now. Vic smirked down at John and started undoing his belt. John felt a twinge of quilt in his stomach, but he could ignore that for now.. Anything for his drug, anything to make that addiction stronger, anything to make his withdrawals go away. 

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