THOMA [long]

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thoma hot

"What's this traveler like?" [M/N] asked, leaning against the stacked crates by the docks. The sea breeze was nice and comforting but the slight electric tingle it gave off made him uneasy. He was sure Thoma, the fishermen, and all the dock workers noticed it as well but they never seemed to comment on it, so he didn't either.

"You haven't heard of her? She saved Mondstadt and Liyue! Some say she's an ethereal being from another world sent to resolve Teyvat's problems!" Thoma seemed excited to meet this region saving traveler and [M/N] couldn't help but smile just a little at the child-like sparkle in Thoma's eyes.

"Do you think she'd help with the decree?" Thoma's smile faded and he looked towards the sea, eyes locked on the approaching boat. [M/N]'s shoulders dropped. He knew that look far too well.

"I heard from Captain Beidou that she only wants to find her twin brother."

"She'd have to help either way, right? Well, at least help enough until she's able to talk to the Shogun. She'd also have to find a way out of Ritou..." Thoma sighed and nodded. He'd have to explain all of this to Lumine as well.

"We'll help her. After that, I don't know what we else can do. We both have visions, they'll arrest us immediately if we're out of the tea house." [M/N] tilted his head back in thought, squinting at the sun. If Ayaka were here she'd scold him for doing such a thing.

"Pockets? Bags?"

"They're searching everything. Yoimiya almost got caught when she did that, same with Miss Ayaka and Mister Ayato." [M/N] hummed and watched as the workers stepped back as the ship started to get closer and closer to the dock. The Crux docked and Thoma's smile was back. Beidou and a girl, who [M/N] could only assume was the famous traveler, stepped off, Lumine looking sick to her stomach. Thoma jumped down, though it seemed unnecessary as there were only two steps he needed to go down. He tripped slightly but recovered before Beidou could figure out what happened.

"You finally made it. You sure kept me waiting, Captain!" [M/N] had heard this over a dozen times now. Thoma had rehearsed all yesterday and this morning to make sure he didn't trip up on his words. [M/N] waved to Lumine and Beidou as Thoma introduced him and noticed Kazuha resting against the railing of the ship.

"Cap, is Kazuha up for a quick talk?" He asked. Beidou looked up at the swordsman and nodded, smiling at [M/N].

"Should be, head on up."

[M/N] waved at Kazuha as he and Beidou set off back to Liyue. He was, of course, upset that Kazuha had to leave again but he knew him staying in Inazuma was dangerous. After what happened to their friend [M/N] didn't want another repeat. His hand fell to his side and he let out the deep breath he didn't know he was holding. Thoma walked up behind him, arm going over his shoulders.

"C'mon, we need to get Lumine registered." Thoma walked behind Lumine and [M/N] walked beside him. Thoma noticed that [M/N] seemed to be spaced out and nudged his side.

"You okay?" He asked, voice soft and quiet.

"Yeah, fine, just thinking about the decree. I-I'll meet you both at the tea house." Before Thoma could question him further, [M/N] left. He walked along the ocean, heading towards the old ladder on the side of the cliff outside of Inazuma city that led straight to the yard of the tea house.


[M/N] listened as Lumine quickly caught onto Thoma's 'prank' and smiled fondly, remembering how both he, Kazuha, and Tomo played similar pranks on eachother. He was too lost in thought to feel tears drip from his eyes and the footsteps of Thoma walking into the room.

"Lumine said she'd—[M/N]? Why are you crying?" Thoma was at [M/N]'s side immediately, using a gloves hand to wipe the tears. [M/N] snapped back to reality and looked to his right, embarrassed that he was caught.

"Just felt a little emotional is all. I'm okay, I swear." Thoma frowned. He was upset that [M/N] still wouldn't show more emotion around him. He had known the guy for nearly three years now.

"[N/N], you don't have to be embarrassed. Crying is a normal human emotion."

"I know, I just..." Thoma urged him to continue and that's when [M/N] finally broke. He sniffled as he tried to keep his tears in but failed. Thoma hugged him tightly, letting the boy cry into his shoulder. He could barely make out what he was saying but he heard Kazuha's name and figured it out from there. Thoma rubbed his back, hand occasionally catching on his clothes. Five or so minutes passed and [M/N] had gone silent. Thoma looked down at the sleeping face on his chest and sighed, freezing when he heard Ayaka's familiar laugh.

"My, my, already?"

"I-It's not what—!"

"Relax, Thoma. I'll leave you two alone and have Lumine come on a walk with me." Ayaka left, greeting Lumine at the door. Thoma sighed and closed his eyes, resting his chin on [M/N]'s head. Thoma started to drift off as well, dreams of a happy ending with [M/N] lulling him to sleep.

day 17368 thinking about thoma

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