Saving The Teacher

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"He's mad at me."

Elise looked up from the ground as she walked right next to Gilbert, who sagged and huffed. "Who's he?" "Bash." Elise looked up at him expectantly as he nodded and started to explain.

"I told him I was coming early to school as I thought we confirmed last night but he then got very upset. He wanted me to consult him and he's saying he doesn't know what to do on a farm. And I can't just give up this opportunity, I need to focus on my studies, not on something trivial, like tending to the farm." He didn't meet her eyes until she looped her arm around his.

She sighed, "I understand why he's upset. Don't look at me like that. He thought you were both in it together and now he's learning that he's going to be alone. Give him some time. Talk to him when neither of you are hot headed. Okay?" Gilbert nodded and sighed. Elise was always right and she always knew what to say.


Elise sat at the window sill once again, watching the intriguing mechanics of the children that she shared a classroom with. Her book was in hand as she glanced at Gilbert who also had his nose stuck in a book. Every once in awhile, he would look up to check on her, making her stomach absolutely swarm with giddiness.

It was only when Anne approached Gilbert that Elise got up and walked over. She giggled as she listened to Anne's stern tone. "I hope you weren't eavesdropping." Gilbert looked up at her, annoyed, "I'm trying to study."

Anne didn't pay attention to his answer as she spoke on, "I'm going to need Miss Stacy's help with my vocation soon, too." "Do whatever you want."

Elise walked next to Gilbert and put a hand on his shoulder, making his tense posture ease. "What is your problem?" Anne practically spat. Gilbert stared at her, "How is your vocation mine?" "It's not. So sorry to interrupt. Please carry on with your goals!" Anne exclaimed. Elise almost put an arm out to stop her but Anne walked away and sat with Diana.

Gilbert looked at Elise for validation as she shrugged and sent a tight smile before nudging him over for them to sit together. And from there, both of their days were filled with a light bulb and a kid who thought electricity would taste like chocolate.


Charlie showed up late to the schoolhouse.

The mothers of the students had already barged in on their electricity lesson to only find her dangerous and uncanny which was certainly not the case. Some mothers had taken their kids home and others were staying to fire her. The desks had been moved back and some of the students were unsure what to do.

"Dad!" Elise walked over to where her father had walked in, surveying the room.

"What's the gossip, Ellie?"

Elise rolled her eyes, "It's so stupid. The mothers want to get rid of Miss Stacy. I told you about her last night. She's a brilliant teacher." He sighed and walked over, introducing himself and trying to calm the mothers down.

Elise could hear their snide remarks when a new voice joined the conversation. "Pardon me. Miss Stacy is a dedicated, capable teacher." Elise beamed and joined him, "She's a wonderful woman who actually cares for her job." Even Anne added that she wanted to be just like her.

Charlie nodded and looked at the Progressive Mothers, "Look ladies, I'm sure that Miss Stacy is a capable teacher if these children are willing to stand up for her. Give her a chance. Especially because it shows that women can also be teachers. This is a new decade and these are new times."

They seemed to agree with Elise's father and she was proud of him. And so they walked out with unhappy faces but they would soon see that they made the right decision.

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