Welcome Home Gilbert

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"Elise! There's something here for you!"

She stopped practicing for a moment and quickly set her violin down on the piano bench. She scurried to the window to see the mailman heading back to his route. She flung from her spot and ran downstairs to meet Mrs. Adley, who held an envelope that was marked neatly with her full name.

Elise snatched it from her hands and stared at it. It was clearly Gilbert's handwriting that wrote, Miss Elise Clark. Her eyes glanced to his address to gasp at the name, "Trinidad?" Mrs. Adley chuckled, "Seems like that letter went many places. Nonetheless, Gilbert Blythe writing to you?" Her eyes twinkled with a mischevious glance as Elise rolled her eyes with a smile and ran back upstairs to open it.

And then her hopes toppled down.


Dear Elise,

It's very nice to hear from you. Despite the recent news of gold in Avonlea, I've decided that I am not returning to Avonlea indefinately. I am guessing this isn't what you thought my answer would be but I think I will stay on the steamship for a little while longer.

Either way, I want to apologize for how I left. I regretted it once I sailed away but it was for the best. I think we both know that if you talked to me, I would've stayed. You have that power over me.

Working on this steamship has been wondrous. It gives me an opportunity to explore the world instead of being cooped up in that farm. I do send Michael my regards and whenever our paths cross, I hope to play another game of cards with him, even though I know he'll beat me instantly again.

I also wanted to tell you, I delivered a baby here in Trinidad. I have a dear friend, not to worry. His name is Sebastian and he also helped me deliver the baby. I mean, he helped by almost fainting but either way he puts up with my disgusting socks as you so claim. Delivering the baby inspired me, I saw my path as a doctor to help people like her. I think whenever I reach my final destination, I'll pursue medicine.

I'm sorry to cut this letter short, but I must get back to Bash and help him wake up before our boss looses his head.

Don't forget me.




"Not returning to Avonlea?"

Diana walked next to Elise, who had her and Anne at her side while they walked through the cluttered school house. She nodded her head, "Indefinitely."

"When did he send it?" she asked as she took her seat behind Elise's and Anne's desk. Anne plopped her books down onto the table as Elise huffed. "It was posted three weeks ago from Port of Spain, in Trinidad."

Diana looked at her intently, "You could write him back. You two were best friends, I'm sure you could convince him." "Well, considering 'there's gold in Avonlea' didn't change his mind almost makes me grateful that there wasn't. Wouldn't it have been mortifying if he had to leave his dream?" Elise didn't really want to talk about the subject anymore but Diana kept pressing while Anne leaned in.

"True enough. In that way I suppose it's all worked out for the best," she almost shrugged as Anne reread the note. "Besides, if you were to write him again, which you don't have to, it would be to tell him that there's no 'A' in 'indefinitely.'" Anne passed the note back as Elise checked and let out a small giggle. "Maybe that was on purpose. Maybe he wants to be pen pals," Diana suggested.

Elise shook her head, "It's a certainly dangerous long-distance duel, one that I will not engage in." Diana reminisced, "I believe he spelled that word wrong last year. Engage."

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