Chapter 4

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I must have fell asleep or something because I woke up with my clothes on and I was in bed, I heard crying and I walked out too see Sam on the floor with a sad face. He stood up and hugged me "I am sorry, but I think Kian broke up with you" I started to tear up but I held them back and walked into my room and looked at my phone. It was 9:00 a.m. I was in shock that I woke up that early, I also seen that I had a text
From KiKi
Hey, I didn't brake up with you. I just need a brake. I am at the park near Starbucks if you need me. 😉
To KiKi
Baby please come home, we need to talk.
From KiKi
Okay babe see you soon.😘
To KiKi
I walked into the kitchen seeing Sam texting someone. "Who are you texting?" Sam looked up "I'm texting Trevor, why?" I respond "no reason, anyways what do you want for breakfast?" Sam answered with "whatever you want" I turned around to the fridge and grabbed bacon, eggs, and milk. I opened the cupboard and grabbed cereal and a pan. after breakfast was done Kian walked in. I ran up and hugged him. "I a sooo sorrryy." He replys with "where is the food hun" I giggled and pointed. He said something that hit my heart hard, like I just got hit by a truck, "I need to talk to you, after breakfast it's kinda important." I swung around and walked up stairs and sat in my bathroom with the door locked, I started to cry a little bit because I knew what he was gonna say, "sorry babe but we need a brake a big long brake" I started to cry. I heard Kian knocking on the door "Baby, baby oh god Sam Sam Amand open this door." I swing open the door and I tell him "I know what your going to say, I'm braking up with you that's all your gonna say!" He nodded and said no I'm actually going to give you this as he pulls out this promise ring, I start to cry as I see sam walking in with a key and his face covered in fear. I smile really big and drop my bestfriend (my razor) and start to cry, I jump in his arms and I begin to peck his lips. I seen Sam take my razor and he flushed it down the toilet. I jumped down from Kian's arms and hug Sam. I run downstairs anybody wanna play just dance? Everybody screamed YES! I said Yaas and they all went first by them I mean Sam, Trevor, Ricky, and Jc, so Connor Kian and I were on the couch. while Kian and I were holding hands I felt him kiss me. I started to get goose bumps. after all of the dancing I felt a little sick, so I walked upstairs and laid down on Kian's bed, he walked in and made me laugh so hard because he made the crab face and he started to walk over with the crab walk and he kissed me. I sat up and asked him if he thought he was funny. He answered with ignoring me and turning on his camera and he told me to move if I didn't wanna be in his video. I scooted over and he started reading twitter questions "can you twerk?" He sat up and began to twerk. "can you tell us who your GF is?" I stood up and he pulled me over and kissed me this is my girlfriend Amanda Bynes Just kidding Amanda Pottorff, and this is the douchebags sister, I laughed and punched him in the arm. he finished the video, and edited it. I felt him kiss my cheek when I looked over his shoulder he asked me if I had fun I responded with a long yes. I looked away and just went into the bathroom and changed and went to bed.

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