All We Know Is Falling (In Love)

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Zoes plan to make Kyle fall in love with her was easy, all she had to do was be herself around him. It was hard to be around him though because finding Kyle was hard enough, the only times Zoe could find him is during school and that wasn't enough time for her to work her charm. Even if they were at school, Kyle has been avoiding her since she walked out at homecoming. She needed an idea, but then came a blessing and a curse.

"Surprise!" Zoe's mom said as she poked her face out of a food truck they owned.

Zoe stood in front of the truck, shadowed by the tallness of it. "Really mom? Out of all the places you could pick to park, why my school?"

Zoe's mom tilted her head to the side and then her dad popped out of the window, "We aren't just parked here sweetie, we got permission to sell here to the students!"

Great, I'll be known as the fake lesbian whose parents sell hotdogs for a living.

"We also brought the poster!" Her mom added and ducked down to pick up the poster of Zoe in a hotdog mascot.

"Oh my god put that down!" Zoe yelled while jumping up to try and hit the poster out of her mother's hand. She was so close to going inside the truck just to tear the picture apart.

Kyle walked by but stopped when he saw Zoe looking at the food truck angrily. "Am I tripping or is that Zoe in a hotdog suit?" his face looked like it was about to burst into laughter.

"Oh my god," Zoe said embarrassed, she will deal with her parents later, right now she needs to hide.

"What? Zoe, where are you going?" Kyle yelled as he watched her stomp away. Kyle turned around to see Zoe's parents smiling at him from the truck. "Hey," he waved awkwardly.

On the other hand, Madison has been so confused lately that she desperately turned to Gallant for help. After her kiss with Zoe and when Kyle got involved, Madison had to admit that she was into her best friend. So she went to the only person who could help.

"So you're not a lesbian?" Gallant questioned. In order to tell Gallant, she was in love with Zoe, Madison kind of had to tell him about all of the fake lesbian drama.

Madison covered her eyes with her hands and let out a deep breath, "I don't think so? I just like Zoe."

Gallant brought her closer and put his arm around the stressed girl, "So what, you're a Zoesexual."

"I only felt this way after we kissed, I've never felt this way towards anyone in my life, why does it have to be the one person I can't date," Madison whined.

"How do you know she's not into you? What if she's scared just like you are?" Gallant asked.

Madison smiled at the thought but went back to whining since she knew that wasn't the case, "Trust me, she's into Kyle and Its fine, im not gay."

Gallant stood up, forcing Madison to look at her. "It's not fine, we're gonna find out if you're into girls or just Zoe." Madison stayed on the bench until Gallant pulled her off, "Come on, I know just the right place."

Gallant and Madison were not the only two skipping school though, Zoe was pulled into helping out with her parents' food truck and Kyle somehow was convinced by her parents. At first Zoe was mad but then she saw this as an opportunity.

They continued to take orders and cook the food while Zoe's parents where god knows where. Kyle didn't talk much at first but Zoe was cracking too many jokes so it was hard to keep quiet.

"I can't believe you wore a hotdog costume," Kyle teased while cleaning the grill.

Zoe laughed but was still mildly mortified that someone saw the poster, "well I can't believe you're wearing a hairnet and still look cute."

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