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A/N: The cringe that fills my body every time I write a kissing scene. Also sorry for the long break, I'm just lazy.

It was like a weight was lifted from Zoe's shoulders, but she was still scared of Madison's reaction.

Blankly, Madison responded, "Yeah, I know, dumbass."

Madison didn't take Zoe's confession seriously or even get what she was saying. "Madison, I like you," she repeated. Although it was love, Zoe didn't want to scare her off. She didn't know if Madison would still talk to her after all of this.

Finally, it clicked in Madison's head, and her heart stopped for a moment. She stared at Zoe, not knowing if it was a joke or not. "What?"

Oh, God, Zoe thought. This wasn't the way she thought Madison would react, even though she had no idea what would happen. Either they were about to kiss, or she was gonna be slapped. "I have feelings for you," Zoe tried again.

Soon enough, her thoughts were hushed by Madison's actions. "You have pretty shitty timing," she whispered. Right after, she stepped towards Zoe and grabbed onto the side of her face. Zoe's eyes caught Madison's before her lips parted, and the other girl's lips brushed hers.

They kissed before, but this was different. It wasn't for popularity or Kyle; this time, it was just them. The two stayed like that for a while, doing what was long overdue until Madison stepped back.

"Text me after school," Madison said and walked away while Zoe stood there stunned. All she could do was let out a tiny 'okay.'

It felt like an eternity, waiting for school to end. Zoe had been itching to pull out her phone and text Madison for the remainder of the day. When she arrived home, Zoe kicked off her shoes and went straight to her room. Happily, she unlocked her phone and opened iMessage. A few minutes after Zoe texted, 'hi,' Madison responded.

Madison Montgomery [4:02 pm]

Since you took so long, you get to do all the planning for our date.

Zoe Benson [4:02 pm]

Date? Like tonight?

Madison Montgomery [4:03 pm]

Don't tell me you're going hot and cold again. You told me how you felt, so we're dating, right?

Zoe smiled at the message. She couldn't believe she was dating her best friend, seriously this time.

Zoe Benson [4:03 pm]

I'll start planning.

Madison Montgomery [4:03 pm]

Pick me up at 8.

Her last message was sent with a heart, causing Zoe to almost squeal. Now all she had to do was plan a date which should be easy, but it's Madison, the same person who rejected everyone who confessed to her because they 'weren't good enough.' So Zoe had to make this first date amazing, or Madison might break up with her before they're even officially girlfriends.

Movies were the first idea, but that would probably be boring for the other girl. There wasn't much room to talk, and nothing good was out. Karaoke was another idea, but Zoe was not about to sing. Plus, that's a group activity. It shouldn't be hard to think of things when they're best friends! She knew all of the other girl's interests but didn't want to make any wrong moves.

Then she remembered, the community centre is opening up the outdoor ice skating rink. It wasn't the best first date idea considering Madison hates the cold and can't ice skate, but Zoe thought this was the perfect opportunity to teach her.

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