Chapter 5

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"Jimin, I need you to slowly back away."

Namjoon frantically looked around, attempting to not make a single noise.

"But Joon—"

"Jimin get behind me now!" He hissed, but then he quickly put Jimin behind him defensively when they heard a rustle in the leaves. Immediately, Namjoon took out his handgun and pointed it in the direction.

At the action they suddenly heard a loud, deep and low threatening growl, but there was still no creature in sight, making Jimin and Namjoon's hair stand on its ends.

"Uh— Namjoon, I don't think it likes you pointing a gun at it." Jimin nervously said as they took cautious steps away.

"Jimin you need to run." Namjoon stated making him snap his eyes up at the commander.

"You're crazy, I can't leave you here!" Jimin frantically whispered.

"Run when I tell you to." Namjoon's eyes and glock were still trained at the direction of the growl, he knew the beast was still there.

"You can't—"

Suddenly a gunshot was heard, deafening his ears and a loud pained whine came from the beast behind the bushes.

"Run Jimin!" Namjoon shouted, instincts took over and Jimin's legs moved on their own as he ran in a direction away from the beast. Although his ankle still hadn't fully healed, the adrenaline kicked in and his legs were literally flying through the forest as he ran for his life. His heart was pounding, he did not know where to go nor run to but then the insistent sound of water on his left gave him an idea. For a full day, they had not been attacked when they stayed by the water so he ran in the direction of the river until he came to the clearing where he could finally see his surroundings without the obstruction of the green cages of the trees.

He panted attempting to catch his breath, looking up, he realised the commander was nowhere in sight, fear and guilt took over himself as he begged and prayed frantically that the commander managed to get out just fine, and to his relief, the commander had a similar idea to him as not long after, the commander too managed to break out from the trees, running towards the water just a few feet away from him.

"Namjoon!" Jimin called out and began running towards him.

"Stay back Jimin!" Namjoon called out, as his hand was still tightly holding the gun pointing in the direction of the tree line. Jimin halted, his eyes darting towards the trees, his breath hitched when he saw shining golden irises reflecting the sunlight in the tree line, before whatever monstrosity it was ran back deep into the forest.

A moment passed, and the forest life was heard again, Jimin finally came to his senses, he quickly rushed to the commander who grunted and leaned himself against a large rock.

"Namjoon— what happened?" Jimin frantically checked if he was hurt, glad to see that there were no obvious wounds in sight.

"I ran with you, but I knew the beast was catching up so I shot behind me a few times and I think I managed to knick it at least once, allowing me to have just a bit of time to flee from it." Namjoon was still catching his breath, " I saw you break out of the tree line so I did the same. It seems the beasts don't go near the water, good thinking, Park." He closed his eyes, smirking up at Jimin before he sighed in relief.

"D-did you manage to see what it looked like?" Jimin asked.

"No. But I can tell it's not any normal wild animal. It hid itself in the shadows, I couldn't get a good look." Namjoon grunted again as he pulled himself up so he was standing now, tucking the gun into his holster.

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