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Your at the bar just having a little drink with your best friend and her boyfriend and your wearing a plane back dress.

Her bf: "hey you want to dance"

Best friend: "yeah sure hey, Y/n well be back. Will you be okay?"

Y/n: "yeah of course go have fun"

You have a fake smile as they walk away.
A little after around five minutes. A middle aged guy comes up to you as your just sitting down.

He puts your his hand around your waist.
You get wireded out and take his hand off slowly.

Weird Guy: "whats a pretty girl like you doing here"

You dont answer. He put his hand on you waist. You get you purse and get up. He pulls you back down. you get scared and and panic looking for your friend.

Weird Guy: "Dont you walk away from me! I asked you somethin answer me!"

Y/n: "ugh get off of me!"

You pull his arm back hurting him.
He look liked you really pissed him off. He tugs the part of your dress thats at your chest. Your faces are five inches apart. he is looking at you with a mad face
Suddenly the guy gets pulled back by another guy you cant quite see his face but he's telling the creep to back off. He puts him down and the weirdo goes off.
He asked if your were okay.

You look at him stunned. You were just gazing at him. He was actually quite handsome he was wearing a leather jacket and gloves. He had short dark brown hair and beautiful blue eyes.
He asked again if you were okay. You stop gazing at his beautiful face.

Y/n: "oh yeah sorry. Im good thanks to you"

Bucky: "Im bucky, james bucky barnes"

Y/n: " im Y/n, i have to say again thank you so much"

Bucky: "don't mention it"

He gives you a soft smile. He sits down your scratching the back of your neck
Kinda gets awkward. You both look shy
For about 3 minutes.
To break the odd silence he asks you if your thirty

Y/n: "im good thanks, i have to drive a friend so."

Your friend and her boyfriend come up to you. Your friend is really drunk

Friend bf: "hey y/n ill just take her to my house"

Y/n: "okay, i mean you dont look drunk so have fun"
You both chuckle

Friends bf: "y/n do you have a ride?"

Y/n: "ill walk"

Friend: "oh, HEY! whose your new boyfriend. Im like actually really suppressed" she says in a drunk tone

Friend: "Shes not that social" she whispers looking at bucky
Buck chuckles

Y/n: "gosh hes not my-"

They go off before you could finish your
Your sentence

Y/n: "wow um. Sorry about that"
You say with a little laugh

Buck: "no problem, any ways since your not driving any one home any more?"he says with a smirk

Y/n: " yeah sure why not"

You say laughing. He orders two drinks. You both talk for a little while. A slow song starts to play he asks you if you would like to dance. You nodded smiling, you both go up to the dance floor and you start dancing his hands on his hips and you hands on his neck. Your both gazing into each others eyes for a little the. You put your head on his chest. You dance for at least 10 minutes. The songs ends then you realize how late it is.

Y/n: "wow. Um. its late i should get going" You say smiling

Bucky: "got a ride?"
Y/n: "ill walk like usual"

Bucky: "i could drive you, come on"

You both get in his car you tell him your address. Soft Music is playing then a 2 minutes a little later you both start a conversation. Asking questions and just getting to know each-other.

You finally. Arrive to you house its a 2 story house in a nice neighborhood you live with your friend her boyfriend louis already left. Bucky starts to walk you down to your porch.

Y/n: "thanks for the drive"

Bucky: "of course"

He starts walking back to his car then you open your door. He turns around

Bucky: "hey wait y/n i want to see you again" You both smile

Y/n: "tomorrow at umbrella cafe 9:00 dont be late"

Bucky: "umbrella cafe 9:00 got it"

He walks back to his car and you go inside your house.

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