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[same day]

Y/n pov

He lets you in introducing you to every one. Sam, Tony, Pepper, Nat, Steve, Wanda, Pietro, Vision, Clint, Thor, Loki, and Bruce was in the lounge

Bucky: "hey guys, this is y/n-"

Nat: "ohh so thats the girl you wouldn't shut up about ohh i see why"

She says cutting off bucky with smirk. Bucky starts to blush. They invite you to come and sit with them you all start to
chat. They all really like you. its currently around 5:36 nat has to go to training. She invited you to practice with her, Bucky didn't think it was a good idea tho, every one els wanted to see you fight. So you followed nat so did every one els because they wanted to see you fight. You all got to the training room and then their was some type of laser tag the lights turned off .

Nat gave you a suite and laser guns to use for training i put it on then. the lights turned off every one els was in this some sort of room with a glass window we couldn't see them threw it but they could see us. The room was dark with neon glowing lights. I could tell that Bucky was looking at me.

Nat: "ready?"

Y/n: "ready"

The training started some sort of robots come out they started to attack us so we both started to fight. You were actually pretty good at fighting. You kicked the robot really hard making it fly back. In the other room they were all impressed Especially Bucky.

Sam: "shes a keeper"

He said with a surprised smile on his face
You both took down all the robots a little later. You took the suite off and you and Nat went back to every one els they were all impressed every one was cheering.

Y/n: "that was fun!"

Tony: "Oh was it now, none of u are getting the credit i designed it of course"

They all left you and Bucky in the room.

Bucky: "you never told me you were good at fighting"

Y/n: "oh so you think I'm good at fighting now? that was actually my first time ever, being in a real fight, we'll besides that one time were i kicked a boy in the face, but that was in middle school" You both chuckle

Bucky: "no way, that was your first time"

Y/n: "yes way"

You both look into eachothers eyes for a minute. You both lean in for a kiss. Suddenly the door gets shoved open.

Sam: "ha! Guys their about to kiss!"

He yells to tell the others. You could here nat yelling yes from afar. You both look at him in confusion.

Sam: "oh, right i leave you both to it"

He leaves with the door wide open.

Bucky: "Sam! The door!"

Sam come back closing the door

Sam: "oh, sorry"

You both kiss softly.

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