Mission: kill love - Min Yoongi

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The golden rays of the October Sun were casting an amber shade on the ground.

The autumn leaves were swirling in the air, dancing with the winds.

I always found Autumn romantic, Even more romantic than Spring.

As it was realistic.

It showed how love wasn't a garden of flowers...always perfect.

In fact it was like amber leaves falling from the trees and flying along the autumn breeze.
Love takes away a part of you with it, and then another. Slowly you crumble apart for this love.

It's painful yet so beautiful, bitter yet so sweet.

Our love was like this too...

Too broken yet the hope of the flowers blooming again kept it alive.


The hope that I crushed with my own hands yet still waited for a miracle to happen.

Walking by the leaf covered footpath, I reached the Sigyue bridge.

That's where your intoxicating eyes met mine for the first time.

Right there in the middle of  the bridge is where it all started.

I walked over to that particular spot and gazed up at the sky.

Hoping to see you again, somewhere here....still waiting for me.


I was walking alone towards my dad's building that night when I got a call.



"Yes yoons?"

"Where are you right now?"

"I'm headed to dad's office, why?"

"Let's have a dinner out today. You and me."

"Why today? Can't we stay at home? I'm a bit tired"

"Please it's really important. I need to confess something."

"Ok then, send me the address. I'll be there by 8."

" Really? Thank you so much!!! Bye love"

"Bye Yoons"

I cut the line chuckling, imagining his gummy smile, when I heard a cold voice call for me.

"Y/n!" I turned around to see my dad in his car.


I walked up to him.

"You're here. I was just heading to meet you."

"Sit inside" He ordered, motioning me to come in while opening the door of the car.

Once I sat down, I turned to face him.

"What's the matter? You asked me to meet you so urgently."

"Were you on a call with Yoongi?" He asked, ignoring my previous question.

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