Casey Jones x Reader/4

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- So... you love me? - said Casey, grinning and looking at his sympathy.
- Yeah... - Y/N said kinda embarassed, her face was red as Raphs bandana.
- So that make both of us... - Casey looked down kinda nervous.
- "Both of us" means that we love you, or that you love me and I love you? - asked Y/N kinda confused, knowing how Casey was.
- Dont be silly, sweetie... I mean both of those things... - he said and put his hand around her. Both teens were madly in love with eachother, but they had to tame with their feelings.
Meanwhile, when they were talking, the turtles and April closely listened to their love confessions and were on they way to tell Splinter all of that.

So this was the last chapter of Casey one shot, feel free to give me suggestions and new ideas for one shots!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2021 ⏰

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