×How I made my Victorian AU

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So my cousin looked at my AU drafts and asked if I did this because of Bridgerton.

Well, let me do some explaining for you all of how the AU came to be!

Alright, confession time: I have not watched Bridgerton yet (enfasis on the yet).
I've heard it's good, but the s*x scenes are very unnecessary.
The real start of this AU came with little 4 year old me watching "Nanny McPhee". It was my very favorite movie.

I could not really explain why I loved it so much, but now, I think it is because of the time it was taking place. As I grew older, I watched "Becoming Jane" on Netflix. I fell in love with the outfits, ways of speaking, and mannerisms presented. I soon discovered... that it made me feel the same way I did while watching

After that, I immediately jumped into "Pride and Prejudice" the next day. It was even better.

Since then, I adored the whole Victorian vibe and aesthetic.

In 2018, I stumbled upon "The Favorite"


Years later, I came to know Hulu, and just as they announced their new series "The Great"

And got my hands on my own copy of "Pride and Prejudice".

Also, I deeply enjoy "The Crown". I know it is not set on the Victorian Era, but the royalty vibes are what gives me the same feeling the above works give me.

Finally, I am looking forward on seeing Emma and Bridgerton.

I just hope the s*x scenes are not too often, I hate that about movies and series now-a-days


When I returned to the Kindergarten fandom, I noticed all the unique and fun AUs people were inventing (Cain's No Creature Feature, KinderSwitch, different High School AUs).

I wanted to make my own thing, something that has not been done before.

Then I remembered my love for all things Victorian, and the rest is history.

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