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Luciano looked through the bookshelves of the meeting room.

He was looking for a specific book he wanted to use as a reference for leading the meeting the 2p nations were going to be having.

The meeting hadn't started yet, so Luciano figured he had time to look for the book.

The meeting was taking place in Lutz's country. So he was more looking for the book for Lutz, given Lutz was busy doing something else at the moment.

Luciano continued to look through the bookshelves when something caught his eye.

He pulled out the book to take a closer look at it.

The book seemed to be a journal of some sort. The cover had all of their flags covering it.

Luciano walked over to the table and dropped the journal onto the table.

The noise of the journal hitting the table alerted a few of the other 2ps who looked over to where Luciano was standing.

Lutz looked over in confusion.
"What's that?"

"Well, considering we're in your country, I was going to ask you. But apparently you don't fucking know." Luciano says.

A few more of the 2p nations walk over. Flavio, Siegmund, and Oliver stand next to Lutz to take a look. Kurō gets on his tip-toes to look over Luciano's shoulder.

"Hmm, strange. I feel something coming from this book. I'm not sure what it is though." Oliver comments.

"So it's some, suspicious, magic book?" Luciano says, raising an eyebrow.


"So, why the fuck does it have out flags on it?" Kurō questions.

"Swear jar~!" Oliver smiles.


Luciano attempted to pull the book open, only for it to stay shut as if it was locked.

"Damn it."

Oliver looks back over to Luciano.

"Is everything alright dear?"

"No. It's like it's locked shut."

"Let me see."

Luciano hands the book over to Oliver who attempts to pull it open, only for it to not work.

Oliver puts it back down on the table and lays a hand on the book. He chants a spell under his breath as his palm starts to glow dully.

Once again, he attempts to open the book, only for it to still remain shut tight.

"Hm, strange. That should have worked."

"So, we don't know how to open this thing?" Fionn (2p! Ireland) asks.

"I'm afraid not, there's something keeping it shut tight that I'm not able to dispel." Oliver explains.

Fionn stretches his hand out to ask for the book. He places his hand onto it and recites a spell quietly.

The book remains locked shut.

"Strange, I believe that was all we could do." Fionn explains.

"I see. Well, let's wait until the meeting starts, then we'll come back to it." Luciano says.

The nations nod as they head back to whatever they had been doing before. The strange book still fresh in their minds.


The 2p nations had all finally filtered into the meeting room and taken a seat to begin the meeting.

Lutz stood up and cleared his throat to begin speaking.

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