Kingdom of Hawai'i

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After a short while, everyone returned from the break. The nations entered from several different halls in their way back to the main room.

"Does anyone else want to read this time?" Gillen asks.

"I will." Agnés says.

"Okay, catch." Andrés tosses the journal over to his sister. She catches it and opens up to the next entries.

"Okay, this is about Cuba."

Maxímo is close to Alex. He often goes over there for a drink or to steal his food. They're so close he can just walk in at any point and Alex will be unfazed.

"Damn, really?" Huo asks.

"Yeah. We're a lot closer than our 1ps, so we casually break into each other's houses a lot." Maxímo explains.

"Can confirm." Marcus adds.

"Oh, alright." Lifeng says.

Several of the other nations look at Alex and Maxímo in concern before turning back over to look at Agnés.

"What do we have next?" Luciano asks.

"The next one is... Russia." Agnés says.

Why do they always fight? At this point, my government has to be more unstable than a ball on a shelf in an earthquake.

"That's a comparison..." François thinks to himself.

"How long has your government been doing this now?" Luciano asks.

"Seven years. It's been about seven years. Seven-and-a-half if you want specifics." Viktor explains.

"What's been happening? My country keeps trying to go to war with Romania, so I haven't paid as much attention." Aleksandar asks.

"Russia's government basically split into three and they fight constantly instead of getting things done." Katya explains.


"Also, tell your government to stop trying to fight to me." Vasska says.

"I'm fucking trying." Aleksandar groans.

Several of the other nations chuckle as Agnés continues down the page.

"This belongs to Hawai'i."

What am I supposed to do? My 1p's nation has already been absorbed, what's stopping the same from happening to mine? I just want my nation and people to remain free and independent from other nations, for their sake and mine.

Most of the nations frown. Whenever something bad happened to their 1ps, they were always worried to same would happen to them.

Was it mostly irrational? Yes. But even knowing that didn't stop the feeling. If anything, it only makes them feel worse.

So it never really goes away.

"Has any nation's government shown any advancements on your nation?" Luciano asks.

"No. Though there was talk of dissolving my nation to become a territory from a small group of politicians in Alex's country. That obviously didn't go anywhere." Kanani explains.

"Geez..." Gillen mumbles.

"Sorry, I forgot. What happened to Kalani?" One of the Balkan nations ask.

"She got colonized by my 1p's nation. She's one of his states, as of right now." Alex explains.

"Ah..." the other nation says.

"How'd that even happen?" Andrés asks.

"Pineapples." Alex, Marcus, and the Polynesian nations answer with deadpan expressions.

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