Chapter 1

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Hyunjin's house

      *Beep-a-dee beep-a-dee beep*
Hyunjin wakes up and stretches at the sound of his alarm going off. He sits up and turns off his alarm, enjoying the feel of the sun's warm rays on his back and the chirping of birds out his window. 'What a beautiful Saturday morning' he thinks to himself. Hyunjin is making his way out of his room before he stops at his mirror admiring how his golden locks look in the sun. As he brushes his hands through his hair, Hyunjin remembers what it was like when 𝒉𝒆 used to do this. 𝑯𝒆 always loved when Hyunjin woke up like this, shirtless and with messy hair, 𝒉𝒆 said it looked more natural.

Hyunjin quickly shook his head of his thoughts and went towards the kitchen. Once arriving, he got him some coffee and put one of the bagels he had picked up yesterday into the toaster. Hyunjin sat and relaxed enjoying the hot coffee in his hands before he began to check his calendar. Right next to the marked-out Thursday was a post-it note in red stating FRIDAY--MEET MYSTERY ARTIST AT CAFE TO DISCUSS COLLABORATIVE CONCEPT IDEAS.

Oh shit.

Today's not Saturday, today's Friday.

"I'm going to be late!" he yells. Hyunjin quickly slammed down his coffee, spilling some on his hands, as he ran to his room. He threw on some slim, black jeans along with a button-up, pastel, yellow, striped shirt. Hyunjin checked his appearance in the mirror one last time before grabbing his wallet, keys, and toasted bagel and rushing out the door. Hyunjin had sort of gotten out of practice of living the idol life, constantly practicing and having meetings.

After a two year break, Hyunjin debuted again as a solo artist and is making his first comeback as a collab with an artist he doesn't know yet. After the group had split up, each of the members seemed to go their own separate ways and barely any of them kept in touch as far as Hyunjin knew.

The first year after the break-up was the worst. The rumors about why the group split were never positive and many of the members got blamed and were hurt from them. Rumors such as, "Hyunjin must have caused a big dramatic ordeal to ruin everything good again." Or "If Chan was a better leader maybe this wouldn't have happened." Or even "They should have all gave up years ago they were never good in the first place." (DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THAT HURTS ME TO WRITE?? NONE OF ITS TRUE JUST SAYING!!)

Hyunjin practically had to spend that first year just recuperating from the rumors and his regrets. Many days were spent hiding from the paparazzi and many nights were spent crying and contemplating over the mistakes made and the pain it's now caused him. 'Everyone must hate me now' Hyunjin commonly thinks. 

That second year, Hyunjin spent  training himself up and preparing for the day when he can debut again. And it wasn't long before he did debut, in the spring of the third year.

A short while after, Hyunjin's company came to him with a proposition. A collaboration with another solo artist so they can build up each others' popularity. Hyunjin enjoyed the idea so he agreed.

Hyunjin was supposed to be meeting this other artist at the cafe about ten minutes ago now.

Hello my lovely readers I hope you all are enjoying my story! Don't worry we'll get into more plot later but for now I've got to get more into the feel of writing. Thank you for your patience with me.

Have a good day/afternoon/evening/night! Love you all!!❤️❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2021 ⏰

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