Chapter 5

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Inferno POV

"Eggman!" Cream exclaimed, clearly scared.

"Yes! It is I, Doctor Ivo Robotnik- hey, where's Shadow? Isn't he supposed to babysit you on Saturday?" The man asked.

"It's Sunday," Cream answered.

"Really? I hadn't noticed," he said, tapping on the table in his contraption

I raised a non-existent eyebrow. This was the man that tethered all the wisp planets to earth? You gotta be kidding me.

"Um, excuse me? Yeah, hi, hello. You wouldn't happen to know the guy who tethered these planets together, because you sure as hell aren't him," I shouted

The man raised one of his completely existent eyebrows (jeez, that was a lot of hair), before yelling at me. 

"You dare insult me, the great Dr. Eggman? Why, I'll have you know that I've done this once more, with the planet Little Planet. I've done it once, and I've done it again, thank you very much," the fat man said, clearly offended.

"No matter, robots, ATTACK!" He yelled, as robots came towards us.

"Guys, protect Cream! I'll handle the other- OK," I said as Cream and Cheese attacked the robots, destroying them before me and the wisps could attack. They were bouncing in happiness, clearly excited about their victory.

"Huh. Okay then. Well guys, it's been real, but I've got to head out. Cream, do you and Cheese want to come along?" I said turning to leave.

"Yes please Mr...?" She asked, still not knowing my name.

"Inferno," I stated, "Inferno the hedgehog"

"Cool," she said, taking my hand, "also, why do you have a GUN logo on your suit?"

"A what?" I asked, looking to where she was pointing. Them I saw the symbol again.

Ah, shit, wrong one

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Ah, shit, wrong one

Ah, shit, wrong one

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Look how fast we've come on this 20 chapter plan book. Yeah. Cool. Anyways, that was short, and later.
7/14/21 4:50 pm

Inferno's adventure (custom OC adventure) ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now