Chapter 1

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I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore


A red creature took off after a creature that looked like a flame with three eyes and three tentacles. "Phoenix, wait up!" He said as he chased after the little creature.

"No, I won't. Mom wants us home ASAP."

"Okay, but can we say hi to Tunnel and Cave?"


"Okay, what about Notes?"






"Fine then. What about...Shimmer?"

*sigh...* "Y-yes. Okay," Phoenix said, lovestruck.

"To Shimmer's it is!" Inferno said, looking very smug.

They took off in the opposite direction of where they were going, towards a mountain cove with a lake, a stream, and a waterfall. There, lit up by luminescent moss, the duo found an azure bubble wisp exerimenting with different mosses.

"Hi Shimmer!" Inferno yelled, hoping to catch her attention.

"SSHHH!" she whispered as she nodded over to another friend of theirs, named Beam, fast asleep.

"What happened to her?" Phoenix asked, skeptical.

"She's just napping," Shimmer stated, "She's gonna try to power you up."

"Huh, neat," Inferno said. It was 'neat', as Inferno was the only Mobian in the solar system, which meant he was the only way for other wisps to see how their powers affected Mobians.

"INFERNO!" a voice yelled from the entrance of the cove.

"Sh*t," Inferno muttered under his breath, "Hey, Yacker. How's it going?"

"Don't you "Hey Yacker," me. Mom's waiting and you're over here mooning over Bubble Wisps."

"It's Phoenix who's mooning over her, actually," Inferno said.

"Hey!" Phoenix said, offended

"Whatever, come on, something's wrong with our orbit."

"Where are we?" Shimmer asked as we stepped outside to see a giant chain behind the mountain. We turned to the left to see boost wisps being captured by red and yellow floaty things. They turned to look at us.

[AAAAAHHH, IT'S SONIC!] The yellow one said


"Those aren't from around here," Phoenix growled, "And they most certainly aren't going to stay." He charged at them as a purple energy net covered him and many other wisps

"PHOENIX!" Inferno yelled as the net lifted of along with others.

"I'm sorry Inferno," Yacker said, "He's gone."


Hey guy's, betcha didn't expect to see me back in action again. I finally got a new idea for a book and this is it! Hope you all had a moderate 2020. Stay calm and together we can show the world what we can do- sorry. And sorry for the cliffhanger

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