Chapter 11

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[Willow's POV]

Boscha and I got back from the Boiling Isles after confronting her parents. It wasn't easy for Boscha to come out to her parents, but she did and then after she finally found the strength and courage to tell her parents that she was lesbian, their response was unexpected.

-Flashback to the Boiling Isles and Boscha's parents house (only the flashback is from Boscha's POV);

My moms were so happy to see me but they weren't too thrilled to see Willow with me. "Moms, I came here to visit you for two reasons; the first is because Willow and I would like to have your blessing of our marriage, and second; I love Willow and want to marry because I am lesbian!" Boscha's moms didn't seem the least bit surprised to hear that their daughter was interested in other girls.

"Sweetheart, your mom and I both had a feeling that you were into girls after all; you do have two moms and most of your friends are girls who are also attracted to other girls. So honestly; we had a feeling that you were. We are proud that you finally told us you are gay, but what your mom and I don't approve of is your girlfriend, you should be dating girls like Amity or Luz, not Half a witch Willow here!" That was what sent me over the edge. "Moms!! I love Willow and I plan on marrying her. If you don't want me to marry her then you don't belong in our family, Willow's own family accepts our relationship, and they support us. And for the record moms; if Willow was like really "half a witch" as you both call her, then why in our Sophomore year of high school did she, Luz and Gus during a full moon do a moonlight conjuring and they conjured the actual Owl House and controlled it as though a moonlight conjuring was mere child's play to them when it comes to magic!?"

After hearing this; my moms; Karen and Jen stood up looked at me and then said; "If you or Willow can show us proof that this happened then we'll believe you and accept your decision to marry Willow as well as give our blessing, but if the proof you show us appears to be doctored or altered in any way; Willow, must leave our house immediately and Boscha, you will never again be allowed to see or speak to her with the exception of work and school. Understood!?" I nodded in agreement with my moms, then I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my Penstagram profile and found the picture of Luz, Willow and Gus conjuring the Owl House during their moonlight conjuring and then I showed the picture tomy moms, and they stared at the picture very closely.

"Hmm, it seems that the magical aura around Willow here and her two friends is indeed real and the same aura also appears to be surrounding the Owl House just as it is them. This actually happened and for three friends (one of who is a human who has no magic, another who is a boy that isn't very skilled in magic, and lastly a girl who came into her witch powers late and isn't very powerful) to be able to conjure such a thing they have to possess very powerful and very special magic! We were very wrong about Willow, Boscha dear, if Willow and two other friends can conjure something as big as that during a moonlight conjuring (which uses highly advanced magic skills) she is clearly a much more powerful witch then even you, and since this picture you showed us as proof is 100% authentic; you have our blessing to marry Willow, Boscha and also; Welcome to the family Willow!"

Both of my moms wrapped me and Willow in a hug and then they proceeded to the kitchen. I followed, "Moms, what did you honestly think of Willow!?" Willow overheard me ask. When Karen spoke, Willow heard her answer; "Boscha, there is something that you should know; We've been keeping a secret from you for quite a few years and it's time for us to finally let you in on the secret. Jen and I are sisters. My mother married another man two years after my dad; your grandfather died. Jen and I were step sisters but we ended up falling in love with each other and as weird as it seems, we were married on my 18th birthday." Jen finally spoke; "Karen is absolutely right about that, but what she never told you or anyone else is that I'm actually human, but I'm a magical human like your friend; Luz. I also use glyph magic, I was considered weak and Karen's dad who raised her before he died, told her that she could not associate with anyone who is weaker than her, and lesser skilled magic than her."

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