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Casey's POV

Why are the buttons on "women's clothing" always on the left? Apparently, back in the day, women's button-ups and coats or whatever always had buttons on the left because it made it easier for right-handed people to help women button up their clothes. People say that it was to help distinguish men's clothing from women's, but I think not. Stupid fucking misogyny- then men have buttons on the right because they think they can do everything oh-so-perfectly.

I like to think of myself as independent. I can do things by myself without help. Which is why I hate this stupid button logic since I'm having so much trouble buttoning up my dress shirt in time.

The clock read 8:37 AM. I'm supposed to be at Clayton around 9:00 so I have to hurry since it takes a while to drive there. I don't want to be late- I've already used up all of my excused absences.

My mother peeks her head into my room as I pull on my uniform, straightening the tie around my neck.

"C'mon, Case. It takes you about half an hour to drive to school and it's almost 8:40." She says as she leans against my door frame, crossing her arms.

I laugh, "Please, why are you so anxious? You're not the one driving me and it's nearing the end of school anyway."

"Finals, Casey."

"Finals are over."

"Not entirely. I got an email from your Biology teacher saying that he graded yours first and he might want you to take another stab at it. You know, for your-"

"For my UCLA scholarship. Got it. I know." I sigh and sling my backpack over one shoulder, brushing past my mother as I make my way downstairs. She follows me.

For the almost three years I have been at Clayton, I've absolutely sucked at Biology. Yeah, it's a private school and the classes are harder than normal but I seemed to pick everything else up. Even Mathematics- and I suck at math.

I almost lost my UCLA scholarship once. It was back in, what was it, Junior year? I wasn't doing so good in Biology so Crowley had made me buckle down on it all so I could pass the midterms and finals. Though, with Sam heading off to college and all of the personal shit I was going through, all that studying kinda... threw itself out the window. I was lucky to pass the final that year.

Though, this is where it really counts. I currently have a B in the class which wouldn't be so bad, but Crowley says that if I want to have a better chance at keeping my UCLA scholarship (because they're already eyeing other runners, bummer),  I have to really focus. Meaning, no distractions. Just because we only have about a month of school left doesn't mean that I can slack off.

I grab an apple from the kitchen and my mom smiles at me as I near the door.

"Good luck, honey. Have a good day at school. Tell Izzie I say hi!" She calls to me as I throw her a quick thumbs up, grabbing my dad's car keys and closing the front door.

It's scary how tolerable I've become of my mom. Like, horrifyingly tolerable. It makes me sick to my stomach to think that I even like being around her now- God, what am I saying?

Maybe I'm just lonely because Sam finally decided to fully live the "dorm life" at Denton about four months ago. I might be looking for someone to latch onto and mess with, kinda similar to what happened between my mom and Paige's plants.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2021 ⏰

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