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Anything in regular font = Korean

Anything in Italics = English

Anything in Bold = Spanish

Anything in Bold & Italics = Any other language besides Spanish or English

Avery Kennedy-Rho'sPOV
2 years, 11 months, and five days into DOOMSDAY

We had finally made it.

We had followed my blood trail for what felt like agonizing miles and made it. There, stood in front of me was the hotel. The hotel where some disastrous scenes had unfolded, and where Amelia's last resting place lay.

I held my arm out, obstructing Taehyung in his tracks. We were about to round the corner to the alley and I was too cautious to just walk out. Only I knew what true terrors waited for us. It was odd though, the last time I was here this place was swarming with the undead. The building screamed in moans of the dead but now it was dead silent and there wasn't a zombie in sight.
It was eerie.

"What is it?" Taehyung murmured, keeping his voice low due to my sudden and abrupt stop. The leader and cat-eyed boy stood on guard not too pleased with my jittery reaction.
"We are here" I said keeping my tone down as I looked back at them. My face was stone cold and stern as I started to grasp the notion of what we were about to do. This was it. I was going to find Amelia and say goodbye to her.

Taehyung looked at me puzzled then attempted to peek around the corner but couldn't see past me.
"Okay, then what are we waiting for? Are there some zombies or something?" He asks, curious why I wasn't letting us move forward.
"I just need-" I started to say, anxiety filling my chest realizing I would have to relive the horrors of everything I saw here and finally come face to face with Amelia's lifeless, rigid body. Completely desolated from where she had shot herself. The imagery began to swarm my head and I took a second to pull away from the guys. "I just need a second to breathe" I said finally spitting out my words before trying to soothe my heaving chest.

"We don't have the time for a mental breakdown. We gotta make a move on. We have less than four hours till the sunset" Namjoon barked, making everything worse as usual. I took in a deep breath and regained my composer to look back and stare daggers into him.
"Okay then. Im ready" I said simply, trying to blow off his rude comment but it still outraged me this man had such little regard for me. The fact I was about to see my dead best friend didn't matter to him at all. He just wanted this all over with, the sooner I was gone the sooner they could go back to their lives, locked up in a cozy cabin away from the real frights of the world.

I peer around the corner of the alley, being very mindful to not make any noise or expose myself too far out in the open. Just in case. When I looked down the alley I was astonished to see nothing. No zombies, no corpses, nothing. Taken back in confusion but still having to move I gave a signal to the boys we were clear to go. We all made our way down the alley, very cautiously. Everyone's weapons laid in their hands, ready to strike at any minute. I tried my best to keep up on my crutches but it was troublesome. My stitches were now beginning to bother me, I could feel blood still leaking from them, I knew they were messed up and I felt a bit dreadful thinking about how Hoseok's work was all for nothing.

We started to approach more of the front of the building, nearing the 'leg destroying' fire escape. I looked at the ladder that I had knocked and climbed down from not even fourteen hours ago. The boys stopped, noticing my unyielding gaze on the ladder.

"This the entrance?" Taehyung questioned, not looking too pleased as he examined the rickety dilapidated fire escape.
"Sadly. It's either this or taking a chance of running into a hoard of walkers in the lobby" I said speaking honestly as Namjoon and Yoongi joined Taehyung by his side to join in checking out the steel death trap.

"Will you even be able to make it up this thing?" Taehyung asked trying to calculate how I was going to climb the stairs or a ladder with a wounded leg.
"I'll manage" I said, trying to convince myself more than them. The bear boy turned to his friends, his eyes looking full of uncertainty but just sighed to himself having no other choice but to trust I was right.
"So what's the plan?" Taehyung said turning to his comrades. They started blabbering away about what they were going to do once inside. Something they must have repeated a hundred times now on this single trip alone. Uninterested, I start to wander down the alley a bit. Seeing if I could scope out any other way in, just in case. I don't make it halfway past the ladder till I go stiffened in fear.

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