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Anything in regular font = Korean

Anything in Italics = English

Anything in Bold = Spanish

Anything in Bold & Italics = Any other language besides Spanish or English


Avery Kennedy-Rho's
2 years, 11 months, and ??? days into DOOMSDAY

"We have to do it, there's no question about it"

1 male

My head ached and screamed against my throbbing skull as the voice of an unknown male started fading into my ears, as I, started fading back into consciousness.

"Do we have to? What if she isn't even bitten, we are just jumping to conclusions."
"She did say she wasn't bitten when we found her."

3 males

Two other male voices now joined the conversation. My head still heavy with pain now started comprehending light into my closed eyelids. A red shine filled my eyes as black spots and specs danced like lava lamp blobs as they warm up around my eyes.

"And you're just going to take her word? A total stranger, bleeding to death all over a rug?"

Male 1. He is angry. Obviously.

My throat felt dry, almost like sandpaper. The touch of my tongue to the roof of my mouth was the first sensation that I felt coming back to life, that would be the only sensation I felt that wasn't complete hell. Soon after that, it was as if my body started rebooting. All at once, the pain in my back started up, it's the discomfort I usually feel every morning that I get used to after I first sit up but this time it was upgraded, and now 700 times more painful.
I kept my eyes shut, for now, I knew it would be smart to see my surroundings to get glimpses of the predicament I was in but I wanted to take the pain in first to get over it faster.
Next, the stinging and ungodly agony of my leg started back up.
The gash on my leg, I had almost forgotten about it.
A part of me was hoping all of it wasn't real. The cut was severe but yet numb at the same time. It was so deep I could feel it still bleeding, my body was rejecting it, probably due to infection at this point but the thought of the gash made me sick to my stomach and woozy thinking about it.

"We wouldn't even be in this situation if you guys just left her there."

4 males

My body felt like a piece of paper that went through a shredder. Glass still lounged-... No-rooted in parts of my arms, legs, and all about from crawling through a broken window and the on-slot of zombies causing the broken glass to shower on me. I guess I was fortunate none of it got in my eyes if you want to call anything fortunate about the whole situation. I had no idea how long I'd been out or where I was. Either way, I was in a sticky situation if I was now in the presence of other survivors. They were all males from what I could hear and as a girl, by herself, this wasn't the best scenario for me. They were all Korean, they sounded to have Seoul dialects but some of their voices and accents told me not all of them were from Seoul- as if that kind of thing still matters nowadays.

"I wasn't going to just leave her there. Believe it or not, I'm still human and have morals."

Male 2

I didn't want to be seen awake, but I needed to see what type of position I was in. I peeked open my eyes, trying very carefully not to move anything, keeping my breath the same as it's been. My head was hanging low but I could see I was sitting up in some rinky-dink wooden chair. Its old craved-up back pressed harshly on some cuts on my back driving me crazy but I kept still. I could see my legs were tied loosely with rope to the chair, the rope purposely not wrapped around the part of my leg that was cut open which was really stupid considering that it was a huge section of my leg. They probably didn't want to get their hands bloody.
I couldn't look up to see if my hands were tied down but I had to check. I prayed they wouldn't see me move.
I wiggled my wrist to feel yet more rope around them, tied down to the armrest of this shitty chair.

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