Chapter 1

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"Even the coldest ice can be melted."

"Ms. M?" Someone called. I looked up. It was Caroline. Sigh.
"Yes?" I asked.
"I need to go to the bathroom," she stated.
"Write your name and the time on the bathroom sheet and leave, then," I smiled nicely at her. You'd think that halfway through the year, she would know that she doesn't have to ask like that to go to the bathroom. I always keep track of who leaves without signing out.
I sighed and went back to work. I was putting in grades. All day. Lecture, give assignment, put in grades, repeat. It's kind of fun. I don't mind. It takes up useless time.
The day passed. I looked at the clock and silently groaned. It's already sixth hour. The last hour of the day. Also known as, a pain in my ass. Er. Butt. Ya, I said butt. Jeez, it's so hard not to swear.
Hunter Walters swaggered through the door. I bit back a scoff. Ugh. This is school, not the club. I frowned as a girl, Brittany, with dyed blonde hair, orange skin, hot pink tube top, and a mini skirt smushed his arm into her fake chest. Whoever did surgery do upgrade her breasts did a terrible job with hiding the scar.
She thinks she'll be Luna one day. I'm not looking forward to it. She would lead this pack into war and disaster. I smiled as the rest of class trudged in. They look like me when I was in their shoes. Hating school. Scratch that. Loving school. Hating classes. I escaped my abusive, single mother by coming. She died of a rouge attack, and to say I was sad about it, would be a lie.
I was in the middle of my lecture when Mr. Walters got bored.
"Ugh. She's such a bitch," he mumbled. I ignored it and kept lecturing.
"She needs some dick or something," he grumbled a bit louder. My body went rigid. I'm a virgin, and proud of it. I'm waiting for my mate. If he's a man whore and rejects me, his problem, not mine.
"I advise you stop talking and using such inappropriate language, before I give you an F again," I said with a smile. He scowled. I used to send him to detention, but he just bribes or threatens the teacher and she lets him out. Now I give him Fs.
"Bitch," he said so quiet I almost didn't hear. I rolled my eyes.
"Bitch: female dog. Dogs piss on trees. Trees are nature. Nature is beautiful. Thanks for calling me beautiful," I chirped with an obviously fake smile. He growled, but said no more. I finished my lecture in peace.
It has been five minutes after I gave them their assignment, when Mr. Walters starts talking again.
"I'm done," he smirked. I said nothing, but knew he wasn't. He just copies from one of the nerds after school. "So, babe. How would you like to study at my house tonight," he winked at a girl beside Brittany. I tried not to scoff.
Brittany seemed to have steam coming out of her ears.
"So, tomorrow's you're birthday?" Brittany asked Hunter. He shrugged.
"Ya. I'm having the biggest party ever and everybody's invited," he said like it was no big deal. I saw a girl in the corner scowl behind his back at him. Her name's Lacey. She hates him. That's why she's one of my favorite student. Apparently, Hunter had a hit it and quit it thing with her. She's held a grudge ever since.
"That's so amazing, baby!" Brittany squealed. Almost everybody, including me, flinched. Her voice was so annoying. Especially when it's loud and to WEREWOLF ears, it's twice as loud. The bell rang and I sighed in relief. I got a mind link from Alpha Walters.
'Be at my office in ten,' he commanded.
'Yes, Alpha,' I said. I got my jacket on and sped out the door. My blue jeans brushed against the floor slightly. Barely any noise was heard, though. The students in the hall were pretty loud.
I raced out to my baby. My black mustang. I blasted the radio and sped off to the Alpha's office. I hopped out on the side of the road and locked my baby. It beeped twice.
I smiled in satisfaction and rushed inside. I found the office door and slipped inside. Many other adults were here. All were older than me.
"Thank you all for coming. As you all know, my son is having a party on his eighteenth birthday. Hopefully, he will find his mate. I want to know if you all can supervise this party," he boomed. His voice filled authority.
"I can't, my children don't have a sitter," a woman called. Many others spoke out their reasons for not coming. He nodded.
"Those of you who cannot make it, please leave," he nodded towards the door. Two thirds of us left. There was about three people, including me. "You guys can?" He asked.
We all mumbled our yeses.
"Thank you, please come to my son's house tomorrow night," he smiled at us. I nodded and left along with the others. I drove home. I stepped into the medium brick house. It had vines crawling up most of it, giving the house a creepy, cool, mysterious vibe. That's why I like it. I stepped in. The inside was very modern. I like testing my limits, so I usually eat healthy. Usually. Kinda.
I have a weakness for sweets. Don't judge. At least I TRY to eat healthy. I plopped in bed and took out my laptop. I sat there and put in grades for an hour. I popped up and went to find food.
Unless you want the most amazing smoothie in the world, I can't cook for my life. I slid my phone out of my pocket and searched through my artists. I clicked on Eminem and danced around as Till I Collapse played. I clicked on Favs, suddenly changing my mind. I played the playlist. Numb by Linkin Park played. I sang and danced around. I got the ingredients for a chocolate banana smoothie out. I shoved it all in my top notch blender and clicked the button. I turned up my music and sang at the top of my lungs.
I danced somewhat like a whore, but I don't care. I'm alone. But clubs are fun.
I drank the AMAZING smoothie and walked back to my room. I grabbed my phone on the way. It started playingPuke by Eminem. I flinched at the sound of someone throwing up at the start of the song. I shuddered in disgust. Ew. I hate that part. It makes ME want to throw up.
I sighed as I looked at the calendar. I don't have to put grades in today. Yes!!!
I grabbed my laptop and searched the anime I wasn't done watching yet. It's called Fairy Tail. Call me a child, I never had a chance. I had to grow up fast. My mother never took care of me. I had to.
I watched five episodes, but passed out when they ended.
I yawned, stretched, and turned on my music again when I woke up. I sighed and stepped into the shower. I made sure it was hot.
I sat in the shower for a while, then cleaned myself. I hopped out in a towel. Crap! I forgot a dress. I went to one of Hunter's parties before. It was pretty cool. There's a pool, dance floor, live dj, beer, and music. Loud music. I love it. I never drink though. I've never been drunk, and don't plan on it. My mother loved beer.
I searched through my dresses. I finally found one. It was strapless, black, showy, and short. It hugged all my curves and made my breasts look larger. I frowned at my reflection after I got dressed. I'm kinda pale. I put on black eyeliner, mascara, red lipstick, and curled my hair. I put on some black pumps and looked in the mirror again. I smirked at my reflection.
I loved my eyes. They're the only thing that I love no matter what. The color. The eyeliner made them stand out well. I was a woman, no doubt. My bust and bum are huge, my waist is small. It's sexy, but I still feel like I'm not pretty. It's natural, I guess. I used to be the invisible girl. I hid my womanly curves with sweatshirts and sweatpants.
I sighed. I feel bad for the woman who gets Hunter as a mate. He's annoying and a man whore. If you have a mate who is older than you, they won't feel the mate bond until both turn eighteen.
I grabbed my phone and head out. It was about nine at night. I'm a bit late, oh well. I parked a block away from the packed house. There were lots of cars here, not to mention people. As I walked to his house, music made the ground thump. My heartbeat accelerated. I love music! This is going to be awesome!
'Just wait,' my wolf, Shakira, chuckled. I shrugged her off. No clue what she's on about. I strolled through the doorway. The halls were crowded with people making out or talking. I strutted to the dance floor. There was so many people, I would never be noticed. Unless they like or hate my dancing.
It felt like hours. It was probably only one though. I was sweating. It's hot in here! I don't care much. I danced and grind with random people.
I smelt the most amazing scent in the universe. Raspberry cream cheese cake. You have no idea how delicious that actually is. Hands covered my eyes. I felt sparks fly through me. I bit back a grin.
"Keep your eyes closed," the man said. I nodded. He started dancing with me. I grind against him, earning a satisfied growl. As the song ended, he led me somewhere. I never let go of his hand.
"Careful, there's stairs," he said sexily. I stepped up carefully. Apparently, that was too slow for him. I yelped as he swooped me up in his arms and climbed up the stairs. I embraced the sparks running through my body.
He kicked open a door. He set me down on a bed. What do I do? Do I panic? Do I scream? Do I open-
"Open your eyes," he said after closing the door. I opened them and nearly screamed in shock. My mate was the one and only Hunter Walters. I pointed a shaky finger at him.
"Wh-what the fuck? You're my mate? Oh shit!" I whispered. He grinned and came up to me. I slid back. Right into the back of the bed. I started sliding sideways. He grabbed my ankle and pulled me to him. I yelped and held down my dress. He smirked and grabbed both of my wrists. He pinned them above my head. Panic it is.
"Get off of me!" I yelled. He leaned down to my face. My breathe hitched.
"No can do, you see. You're my mate. I'll never let you go," he breathed. I narrowed my eyes at him.
"I'm a teacher, not a Luna," I said.
"Seems that you can be many things," he said and smirked at my dress. I blushed.
"Go away, before I make sure you can't make babies," I said seriously. He burst out laughing.
"Now, now. Calm down. You will be the Luna, even if I have to lock you into this room," he said. His hand trailed down my face and landed on my boob. I yelped as he squeezed it. I became hot and wet. I acted like I wasn't though.
"Fuck you," I spat. He looked shocked, but got over it.
"Such a naughty mouth for a teacher," he chuckled. I pouted. What an idiot. Wait. What's stopping me? Do I want him?... I don't know. He's annoying and a brat, and I like my job. He's a man whore. Many reasons why not to.
"Why do you want me?" I asked him. He smiled at me.
"You're hot, funny, smart, what's not to like?" He asked. Maybe it's that I have a weird depression. It's called a boring life that I find exciting. I sighed and rolled my eyes.
"Son! What are y- oh?" Alpha Walters stormed in.
"Get him off of me! Please," I yelled. Alpha Walters looked confused.
"Dad, she's my mate," Hunter growled. Alpha Walters just nodded and left the room. I stared, my jaw slack. Hunter turned towards me.
"Looks like nobody will be bothering us," he said with a grin. I scowled.
"Get off of me," I growled.
"Do you want me to?" He asked.
"Y-ah!" I moaned as he started kissing my neck. "S-stop, Hunter," I stuttered. He smirked against my skin. He nipped me. I moaned. O m g. How embarrassing! He chuckled at my horrified face.
"You're mine," he growled. I moaned as his kisses got rougher. His canines brushed my neck. I arched my back and moaned.
"Please stop," I whimpered. He got closer to the spot he was going to mark. I moaned as he kissed it. He hovered above me. I screamed as his canines dug into my fragile skin. My screams turned to moans as the pain turned to pleasure. He finally let his grip on me go. He licked my neck to heal the bite.
I moaned a bit.
His boner pressed into my core. I moaned at the touch. He started working my dress up. I gasped as I realized what just happened. He marked me. Without my permission. I head butted him. Ow!!! My poor head.
He looked dazed, so I leapt out of bed. I reached the door, when I was snatched up and thrown at the bed. I bounced quite a bit, but steadied myself. I saw a pissed Hunter headed my way. His eyes were pure black. His wolf is out to play. I gulped and glanced around. Before I could go anywhere, he gripped my waist and pulled me into him.
I moaned as he bit into the same flesh he just got done marking. He licked it and growled at me.
"Just so you know that you're mine," he said gruffly. If I said that his voice didn't effect me, that'd be the lie of the century. He kissed me and his hand slid up my dress. I moaned as it snaked in my underwear and started pressing into me. I gasped as intense heat and pleasure washed over me.
He groaned and went faster. I moaned and arched my back. He kissed his way down. His fingers came out. I watched as he licked and sucked on each one he had inside of me. I shivered in delight.
He suddenly shoved me down. I yelped.
He pushed my dress up and whipped my underwear off. I gasped as his tongue flew into me. Fireworks were flying through me everywhere.
I moaned as his tongue flicked in and out. He gripped me tighter. I felt myself about to climax. I wriggled, to get out of his grip, but that just made him hold me tighter and growl. I shivered at his hot breath against my sex.
He groaned and shoved his tongue deeper inside of me. I cried out as I climaxed, he licked me everywhere and pulled back. My come was dripping down his chin.
I bit my lip at how tasty he looks right now. He shoved his pants and shirt off. He came to me and ripped my dress over my head.
He ripped off his boxers and entered me before I could blink. I screamed in pain. It was extremely painful. Pleasure started to leak in.
"So fucking tight," he growled onto my skin. He massaged once breast and sucked on the other. I moaned and arched my back. I was aching for him.
I let my hands run through his silky hair and tug. He growled in approval and kissed my lips. I kissed back. He licked for entrance. I denied just to tease. He growled and shoved himself into me harder. I cried out. He took this chance to explore my mouth. I moaned into the kiss. He pulled back and sucked on my neck.
He climaxed into me. He growled and kissed me passionately. I kissed back just as passionately. We sat there, panting. He caressed my face as I started to fall asleep in his arms. He kissed my forehead when I was at dream's door.
"I love you Scarlett," was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep.
Yaaayyyyy! New story! Werewolf stories are easiest to write for me. Especially dirty ones. *wink wink* Anyway...
Tell me how the first chapter was!

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