Chapter 3

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"Even the most beautiful flowers wither away and die."

I woke up to annoying beeping sound. I sat on a not that comfy bed for a while.
"Shut that fucking sound off," I rasped. I heard a chuckling.
"Here's some water," I recognized James's voice. I pried my eyes open. He stood there with a smirk and cup. I snatched the cup from him and downed it in two gulps. I held it out to him.
"More," I demanded. He laughed. I frowned when I saw him. He had dark circles under his eyes. "Are you okay James? You look tired," I said worriedly.
"I'm fine. You've been out for a couple days from blood loss, some organ damage, and something else I can't remember. That guy did quite a number for one punch. If the wall wasn't there, you'd be much better," he growled. I frowned.
"You shouldn't be staying up for- OH MY GOD!!! Did you say I was out for a couple days?" I screamed.
"Yes?" He said. He sounded confused.
"I'm fucking dead! Did the Blood Rose pack stop by looking for me?" I panicked. The annoying beeping sound increased. I glared at the bloody machine.
"Ya. My father said you passed by a couple days ago," he reassured me. I relaxed and my heartbeat slowed again. I let out a relieved sigh.
"Thanks. Why'd you guys do that for me?" I asked. He looked a bit uncomfortable.
"I managed to convince him that it's not fair if they get you while you're in the hospital," he blushed. I grinned at him. I reached to hug him, but wires coming from my arms caught my attention. I growled at them and ripped them out.
"Scarlett! You shouldn't have done that!" James scolded me just as the machine's beeping turned to a flat tone. I growled at it. A nurse and a doctor burst in, looking panicked and confused. The nurse scowled as the doctor laughed.
"I'm sorry. We got a notification that your heart monitor stopped," he chuckled. I waved him off.
"No worries. You were just doing your job," I chirped and swung to get out of bed. I whimpered when I felt a pain in my abdomen.
"Please, Ms. Moon. Don't move. We performed surgery and it's still fragile! There's only a painful scar left, but that will heal in about a week or less," the doctor stated. I winced and nodded.
"In that case," I said. I pointed towards James. "Get me water and food," I said. "And good food!" I called out as he stomped out, grumbling.
The doctor chuckled and strolled out. The nurse turned angrily to me.
"You better leave James alone. He is mine!" She snapped. I stared for minute, shocked. Then I laughed. I almost started crying. I took a deep breathe, then faced her.
"You're like, thirty. He's sixteen. I'm pretty sure he isn't into cougars," I smirked. Steam was practically coming out of her ears.
"You listen here, little bitch! He's mine. He always will be. He's not gonna pick a pathetic girl like you! So go run to your old pack and beg for forgiveness for whatever you did. Then MAYBE they'll let you back in. I seriously doubt it though. You're such a pathetic little bitch, they won't want you back, even if you beg!" She snapped. I flinched, but hid it well. I opened my mouth to tell her off, but someone cut me off.
"I'll never be yours. I'm going to tell my father of your behavior at our guest, and he'll decide what to do with you. If it was up to me, your little wannabe slut ass would be kicked out without hesitation," James snapped from the doorway. I blushed at how he defended me. The nurse stomped out, shooting me one last glare.
"Thanks James. Ooh! You got sweets!" I chirped. He grinned, then frowned.
"I'm sorry. For some reason, I've been very possessive of you. NOT IN A ROMANCE WAY THOUGH!" He said. I chuckled and snatched the apple pie, Big Mac, shamrock shake (if you haven't had one, you haven't lived), and apple from him. I set aside everything accept for the shamrock shake aside. I started sipping it.
"It's alright. I'm forming a sisterly love over you also," I stated. He sighed in relief. I smiled reassuringly at him. "You have done so much for me. By the way, the idea you had to piss man whore off was AMAZING!" I yelled. He laughed nervously.
"Man whore?" He chuckled. "But you got knocked out," he seemed to be scolding himself. I started laughing my ass off.
"I don't care! The look on everybody's faces was worth it!" I screeched. He started laughing along with me. I sobered up when Alpha Carter walked in with a big smile. I shot him a wary smile.
"Sorry, I was just eavesdropping for a while," he chirped like he it was no big deal. "I'm glad you don't have romantic feelings toward one another. That would be very problematic. Especially since James hasn't found his mate yet." I blushed furiously.
"Ya dad. We're only brother and sister," James chuckled.
"But, Ms. Moon, I'm sorry we can't have you stay. I lied for you once, so don't tell them the truth about what happened. Alpha Walters would no doubt start a war out of jealousy, anger, and betrayal. It has been fun having you here," he said. I smiled.
"Dad, I have a woman to speak to you about. She just..." Blah blah blah. I toned them out, drinking my shake.
"Scarlett?" James voice interrupted my daydream of me being a dancer and singer. I sat up and realized that they were both looking at me weirdly.
"Hmm?" I hummed, still drinking my shake. It's so delicious and minty and delicious. I think I mentioned that twice now...
"We just asked you if you still want to go to the Blue Moon pack," Alpha Carter chuckled. I blushed. I've been busted.
"I don't know. If I went there and they're as mean as the rumors say, and my old pack has already stopped there, I'm pretty sure they would call them over and be all like 'hey we found that girl' and then my pack would come and force me to be Luna an-" I rambled.
"Wait! You were going to be Luna?" James asked, perplexed. I gave him a 'so what' look.
"Ya. Why?" I deadpan.
"Well... What if we did like each other? Then it'd be like we can't because you don't want to be Luna," he said. I rolled my eyes at him.
"But we don't. So be thankful you don't get to be stuck with me," I snickered. I slurped up the rest of the shamrock shake, much to my disappointment. I started on the Big Mac. I finished in a minute. I ate the apple pie in thirty seconds flat. Alpha Carter and James stood there, looking at me in amazement. I took a bite of my apple. This is gonna take me a while.
"What?" I mumbled with a mouthful of apple.
"You're one of the messiest and fastest eaters I know," James said.
"I know I'm awesome no need to point it out," I rolled my eyes and took another bite of my apple. "You're going to bring me to Mc Donald's so I can get another shamrock shake, right?" I asked with a puppy dog face. He glared, but soon sighed in defeat. I hid my smirk by covering it with my apple.
"Fine," he grumbled. I put on an innocent face.
"Have I mentioned how much I love you?" I sucked up to him jokingly. He scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"No, please remind me," He said. I scowled.
"I just did. And unless you get me some cotton candy too, I won't put my love into better explaining words," I threatened. Ya, I know. Bad threat. He chuckled and rolled his eyes.
"Better keep that threat," he scoffed. I grinned and started chomping on my apple. I stuck it between my teeth, and I tried to get out of bed. I felt my drool starting to leak onto the apple. I growled and took the apple out of my mouth to wipe my mouth. I quickly devoured the apple, then tried again. James stood next to me, cautious. I yelped as cold air whipped my bum. I rubbed it, only to find that I'm in one of those bloody robes that don't have backs. Why the fuck don't they have backs!
I growled when James tried to stand behind me to make sure I don't fall. He held his hands up in surrender. Realization slapped his face. He blushed and shuffled out.
"I'll go get you some clothes," he mumbled. I smiled and waited. He came back with a pair of short light blue jean shorts, black lace undies and bra, and a low cut, ruffly, dark blue tank top. I blushed furiously and took them. I cautiously watched them as I walked backwards, towards the bathroom. I'm not letting anyone see me naked. That includes my ass too, thank you very much, hospital!
I closed the door and sighed in relief. It was short lived. Speaking of short. So were these shorts. I put all my clothes on. I looked in the mirror. My pale legs looked tanner than before, so did the rest of me though. I looked fine. The top of my tank top had ruffles, and the bottom didn't, but it was tight. I looked fine.... I think.
I walked out.
"You forgot shoes, but that's okay. We can just use the drive through," I said to James. He grinned at me.
"You're leaving to the Spider pack," Alpha Carter said and handed me directions. I smiled at him.
"Thanks, James come on!" I chirped. I skipped out. I danced down the halls, earning many amused glances. I'm coming for you shamrock shake!
I stopped and waited impatiently at the entrance for James. He strolled past me with a smirk at my annoyed expression. I pouted and followed his slow pace. He parked pretty close. I hopped in his car. I turned the radio to 93.9 and sang to all the songs that came on. I know them all. Only when a popular new song comes out do they play it, but songs don't just come out everyday. So there usually isn't a new one, but there's still plenty that they play.
We arrived at Mc Donald's. He ordered two shamrock shakes and a Big Mac meal. I grinned in giddiness. The woman at the counter leaned in, revealing plenty of cleavage.
"Hey babe," she purred. I wasn't even looking at her, I was staring straight ahead, glaring at the truck in front of us. It's going too slow. And who am I to care who James goes out with.
"Sorry, I'm waiting for my mate, not some hookup," I heard James say. I secretly grinned.
"I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to that sexy piece of ass right there," she said. I'm not kidding when I say that I choked on air. It took me a second to get over it. I turned to her so fast, I got whiplash. She winked at me. My mouth felt dry and I was speechless. James was holding in a laugh.
The girl who seemed my age leaned even more. I have to say, she was hot. But I'm not a lesbian. No offense to lesbians, girls are hot, but sometimes, men are better looking.
"I'm straight," I managed to blurt. She just grinned and winked again.
"I bet I could change that. By the way," she purred. She leaned even closer and reached over to me. I looked at her closed fist in confusion. I opened my palm. "Here's your change," she purred. She dropped the change with her number on the bill. I stared at the bill, then at her. James went forward. She blew me a kiss. I just blinked blankly. James got my shake and his food and rolled into the parking lot.
"What just happened?" I asked. James started laughing his ass off.
"You just got hit on by a girl!" He choked out. He continued laughing. I scowled and snatched the shake from the drink holder.
"That's not funny, it's embarrassing," I mumbled. He finally stopped laughing and started eating his fries.
"Why? At least you know you're wanted when the same sex says they don't care if you're straight or not. That just means you're sexy," he shrugged. I scowled deeply.
"I'm a teacher, not a stripper," I hissed. He chuckled.
"Everybody has a secret fantasy to be wanted by a teacher," he said with a smirk. I scrunched up my face in disgust.
"Ew. I never did," I said. He shrugged.
"Maybe you didn't have any hot enough teachers," he said. I wanted to tell him the truth. Say 'I was waiting for my mate'. But that would take away my happy mood with him. I want our last moments to be happy, not sad or tense.
I rolled my eyes at him instead.
"Most were in their forties. When I try to think of an older man being sexy, I can only think of how old and disgusting he is," I shuddered in disgust. James chuckled.
"Why? How old are you again?" He joked. I blushed. I never exactly told him my age.
"22," I mumbled. He choked on the fry that was in his mouth.
"Dude, if you were my teach, and we were human, I'd totally want to screw you," he blurted. I gasped and slapped his chest. My face was red. "Why are you so young anyway?" He asked.
"Werewolves don't have to go to college, I didn't. I just trained for two years, showed them my grades in school, and they let me be a teacher. I skipped a grade or two," I shrugged. He scowled at me.
"I wish I was as smart as you," he grumbled. I laughed at his immature attitude. I took a sip of my shamrock shake. I sighed.
"Guess I have to leave before it gets dark. Can you drive me to the edge of your territory?" I asked James. He frowned.
"Ya," he mumbled and drove. In the hour it took, I drank all of my shamrock shake and took his secretly. He turned to grab it as soon as he stopped at the border. I looked away innocently, with it in my hands.
He growled as he saw me. I glared at him.
"That's mine," he growled. I pouted.
"It was melting," I whined. He rolled his eyes. "You can get one any day, but I don't have much money, I'm moving now, and you're my brother," I named off other excuses. He chuckled and shook his head.
"Fine, drink it," he said with a playful over exaggerated sigh. I squealed and kissed his cheek.
"Thanks bro, luv ya! Bye!" I grinned and got out. I got my backpack and duffle bag from the trunk. I saw him looking at me. I waved and took the paper with directions on it out. He backed up. I winked and blew a kiss at him, imitating the girl that hit on me. I saw him chuckle and roll his eyes. I smiled in satisfaction and walked off.
I followed the dirt road, until I heard a car coming. I ducked into the woods. It might be my p- old pack.
One truck drove by. There were people in the back. I used my werewolf sight and hearing to my advantage.
"-don't know how he didn't find her yet," a guy said. He's one of my students. Some are, the rest are adults.
"Ya, I still can't believe she ran and left the pack. I heard that she left because she was raped and forcefully marked by him," a woman said sadly. I shivered as the memory invaded me. I shook it off.
"I believe it. Hunter is very demanding and not respectful," a warrior said. I watched them, until they were out of sight. I bounded down the road. The only reason I didn't run in the woods, is because the needles from the pine trees hurt my precious feet.
I made it to the uh.... I glanced at my paper again. Spider pack. Weird name.
"Um... Excuse me?" I yelled at the edge of their territory. There should be guards here on the lookout. A man stepped out of the shadows and tackled me. I was about to scream, but he covered my mouth. I glared at him. He had bright blue eyes and blonde hair. Pretty boy. That's his name for now.
"State your name," he growled. I would have slapped him, if I didn't want to be in his pack.
"Your hand is covering my mouth dipshit!" I tried to yell, but it came out as mms. He carefully removed his hand, which I was ready to bite off. I took a deep breathe to not swear the shit out of him.
"I'm Scarlett Moon. I've been allowed to come onto this territory, but I certainly did NOT expect to be tackled," I said poshly. He turned angry.
"I was not notified that you'd be coming, so," he growled and pulled out a knife. "I have to kill you, rogue," he spat. My eyebrow twitched. I growled and grabbed his hair. He obviously didn't expect that. I don't know about other gals, but I don't believe in playing 'fair'. It's a fight, not a game.
I threw him off of me. He growled.
He threw the knife at me. I inhaled sharply as it brushed against my arm. I started bleeding. I attacked. I went in, acted like I was about to punch, then at the last second, I slid to the ground and stuck my foot out. Thank god dirt allows me to slide. He tripped and fell to the ground. I heard a satisfying groan from him. He saw me smirking and stood up with a smirk of his own.
"Hmm... Are you a virgin?" He asked. I was taken aback by the question. I'm not, but it's still offending. He smirked at my expression. "So you are. How bout I have a little fun before you die," he chuckled.
"Not on my watch pretty boy," I growled. He charged at me with amazing speed. I yelped as he punched my scar. I grit my teeth. He threw me down by my hair. I yelped. I'm not a fighter, but I've always wanted to be. I was too shy in school to ask for training and still am to this day. I trained by myself, where no one could see me fail miserably. Which I did.
He chuckled darkly. He played with the hem of my shirt, looking me in the eyes. I narrowed them and kneed him in the place where the sun don't shine. He groaned, but grabbed me.
"Skylark!" A woman's voice boomed. His eyes grew wide. I whimpered as his grip tightened. I head butted him and stood up and kicked his stomach. A woman in her mid thirties stared at me in disappointment.
"Now, why did you do that?" She scolded me. I snarled, revealing my pearly canines.
"He deserves worse," I spat. She frowned.
"Really, why so?" She asked. Apparently, this dickwad, being a dickwad, is news to her.
"Well first, I told him I was invited and he didn't even ask someone in charge if it was true. Second, he attacked me. Third, instead of taking me to your Alpha, like you should do, he said he'd just kill me himself. Fourth, he asked if I'm a virgin. It's not true, but I didn't answer. He thought from the look on my face that it was true and said that that's about to change. So technically, he was going to rape me, before he killed me. What a nice welcome," I ranted. The woman cocked an eyebrow at Skylark.
My vision blurred for a split second, but returned to normal. The woman glanced over at me worriedly. I felt my stomach getting warm and wet. I could hear what she was saying to Skylark. I only saw her mouth moving. I felt the world sway a bit.
I put my hand under my shirt to see what the warmth was. I pulled my hand back to reveal red fingers. Bloody fingers. I could only stare, dazed. The woman glanced and gasped as she saw me loosing blood fast. She hurried over. As soon as she reached my side, I collapsed. I was struggling to keep my eyes open.
I was so tired. It's calling. So tempting. I can't deny the relief of no stress that it brought me. I gladly accepted the darkness.


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