26: Hosu City

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Today we would work on endurance training with our quirks and 'smash' through our limits which is harder than you think. For Pony, it was trying to control more than four horn cannons at a time and for me, it was holding someone asleep longer than I can already without falling asleep myself and holding bigger creations for longer periods. Then we would work on close combat against Mirko. I was holding up a drawing with my animate quirk and had been doing so for about an hour which was already past my limit. 

"And stop!" Mirko said permitting us to stop our training. "Hitsuji, you need to work on holding up your animations more you're almost there just work on it more. And Rocketti, you're trying too hard, loosen up a bit and you'll get there. Now for close combat. Instead of against me, you'll be against each other. I watched your fight during the festival and you are great fighters just need more practice on close combat." The Pro says. Pony and I stood in front of each other and then pony shot one of her horns at me which I stopped with my hand by catching it. My hand-eye coordination had gotten better from both training and being an artist and having to draw.

I threw it down and sent a flying triangle at my friend which sent her across the training room. "Shoot! Are you ok?" I ask running to my friend. "Yeah, I'm not hurt just hit the wall a little." She says. "Hitsuji, you made a mistake," Mirko says. "If you were fighting a villain they would use that against you to try and capture you. Never, no matter who, say you're sorry in a fight. I have a question for you two. Why do you want to become a hero?" She asks. "Well, I want to become a hero to help people with a smile and make sure no one has what happened to my little sister happen to them." I say as I help Pony stand and face the Pro.

"And what happened to your sister?" She asks. "She was hurt during a break-in by a villain at my home and I couldn't get to her in time. She lived but has a nasty reminder for both of us that people out there don't have the best intentions with their quirk." I answer. "Why did you want to come to my agency?" Mirko asks. "Well, you're an idle of my sister and also you were the top on my recommendation list." I answer. "Hm, I see...you have a good heart and mind kid! That'll make you an excellent Pro-Hero one day." She smiles. "And Rocketti what about you?" She asks turning to my friend. "I want to help people like Iris! And I came to your agency to learn from a top-ranking hero!" Pony responds.

After training, we were given time to cool down before patrol. It was already dark outside which it was shocked that we trained that long. I shower and put some normal clothes on before putting my costume in for a quick wash. I sit on my bed and scroll through Pinterest looking for new ideas for art. I see a message from Ochaco pop up and open it.

✨Kirby✨: Hey Iris! How's your internship?

Me: It's going good how 'bout you?

✨Kirby✨: Amazing! Gunhead is actually less scary than you think he's more on the cute side!

Me: Wow! I never would've thought

✨Kirby✨: I know right! How's Mirko?

Me: She's amazing aswell! I understand why Mia-chan likes her so much now...I've learned so much from her.

✨Kirby✨: Wow that's super! Well, I'm about to start training again bye!

Me: Bye

I turn my phone off and then grab my now clean costume and put it on again. We walk out and begin patrol. We were patrolling Hosu city and I was a little iffy about it since the recent news about a hero killer named Stain. It was late and I was tired so I thought I was seeing things when a Nomu-like creature crashed in front of us and people were running around. Nomu was what the villains called the birdman thing during the USJ. The number two hero Endeavor was the one who smashed the creature to the ground.

Why does he always look so mad god! I scoff to myself. "What happened?" Mirko asks. "The city is under attack and these things are everywhere. The city has gone into chaos other Pros are one their way to help and try to get people out of the city." Endeavor replies. "Rocketti! Hitsuji! Do you girls remember your training? What I want you to do is help people evacuate quickly and help those who are in the burning buildings." Mirko says to Pony and me. "Yes ma'am!" We say. "Cotton, Tsunotori, wait." I hear a voice say stoping Pony and me. I turn to see Todoroki running our way. "Let me help you guys my ice might be useful for the fires." He says running with us. 

"Ok!" I say. We stop at a burning apartment building that has people trying to get out. "Pony you help those who are leaving keep them calm. Todoroki you come with me and help those who are trapped inside. I'll make us some masks so we don't inhale any of the fumes." I say starting to draw out some masks. "Ok!" The two say. I make the masks and Todoroki and I rush in. "Take the second floor I'll take third!" The half and half boy says before running up the stairs. I follow and I stop at the second floor. "Help please my daughter she's trapped!" A woman with pale blonde hair says running to me. 

"It's ok ma'am I'll help you daughter what I want you to do is try to hold your breath and don't inhale any of the fumes. There is a Hero In Training outside helping the others go to her and stay as calm as possible ok?" I say to the woman trying to calm her. "Yes, please just help my little girl! What's your name, young lady?" The woman asks. "I'm Ir- no I'm Hitsuji and I'm here to help! Now go Miss and stay calm!" I say letting go of the woman's arm as she runs down to the outside. I run to where she was and kick the door open. I could hear crying from a room on the right and run over. 

I try to grab the handle but can feel the heat. What to do?! What to do?! What would Ochaco do in a time like this or Ricky!? I rant to myself. I notice a bottle of water on my ground. It doesn't have much but it is enough to cool the handle. I pour it on the handle and open the door and come to see a young girl about the age of 10 maybe? With wings probably twice her size cover her head. I could see the fear in her eyes and tears beginning to pour out. "It's ok I'm here to help!" I say running to the girl. I make her a mask and tell her to put it on. "My name's Hitsuji everything will be ok." I say picking to girl up and carrying her on my back.

I run out of the building just in time as the roof collapsed crushing the building. "Rui!!!" I hear the woman's voice yell. She runs over and I set her daughter down and the woman hugs her as tears pour out. "Pony! Where'd Todoroki go?" I ask running to my friend. "He said he got an SOS and had to go." She replies. "Iris! Your head!" She says her face turning from happy to scared. I wipe my head and look down to see blood on my hand. Huh? How'd that happen? I ask myself. "I'm fine it'll heal...stay here and help the others until a hero gets here and I'll go look for anyone else who needs help." I say before running off.

The city was in chaos, eventually, Pros came and beat off the Nomu and helped put out the fires. People were hurt, killed, separated, and more. The villains who did this are truly evil. I was sent to the hospital to have injures healed from running around too much. I had inhaled some of the fumes so my lungs were injured and my head was bleeding along with some minor cuts and bruises. That was the second biggest encounter with villains I had but inside I knew it wouldn't be the last.


Ok, so this is done yay! I'm going to do one more chapter for the internships and then onto the next arc! Hope ya'll liked it peace✌️

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