49: Mirio VS. 1st Years and Getting Work-Studies

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We put on our gym uniforms and met the Big Four at training field Omega. We had to fight Mirio and I knew about his Permeation and how he uses it. So out of all my classmates...I had a bit of an upper hand. The fight began and everyone went full force at him and tried to attack but failed. I drew up a small needle and poked his neck but ran so he couldn't see me. The fight was chaos but somewhat fast then we had to say goodbye but first, the four third-years had to say some things to us before they left. "You all have great fighting skills but rely too much on your quirks you need to practice using natural strength and speed." Mirio says. 

"Mirio is right...you all do need to practice more on that. When watching I noticed at least four who impressed me...you with the curly green hair, the one with half red and half white hair, the blonde with a temper, and Iris." Ricky says holding four fingers up. "You observed and watched how Togata used his quirk and exploited his weaknesses!" Nejire says. "That is all! And remember what we said about the work studies! Find an agency that has a high track record and you might be able to go there for yours!" My brother says with a smile.

The four leave and then we had lunch. I grab some rice and Miso Soup and look for a place to sit. I decide to sit with Kaya since I haven't in a while. "Heyo!" I smile at her as I approach her table. "Do you mind if I sit here? You were sitting alone so thought you'd like some company!" I smile. "Sure..." She says. I sit across from her and take a bite of rice. "So...I saw The Big Three walk down to your classroom and by the way who was the other person with them? I think he was a blonde boy?" She asks. "That was my brother he was there for extra help and they were all there to tell us more about the work studies! Oh by the way did you find out if Water Manipulator's agency had track records?" I ask.

"No sadly he doesn't...but I'm still looking for an agency! How about you? Did you look at Siberia's agency?" She asks. "Mhm! But I haven't gotten an offer from her yet...I'm hoping though or if not I already had an offer from LockLock so there's his agency just in case!" I laugh. We talk about a whole bunch of stuff and then went back for our heroic classes. This class was more fighting except it was against each other. It was one-on-one and I had Deku. I've seen his quirk and the amazing speed and strength he has so I was just a tad nervous. But I had my support items to use against him so there was that plus. 

We were in an open field so there wasn't much for me to use to hide. He starts up his quirk and has a green...lightning?...around him. He runs at me but I use my animate and make a circle for me to step on and move to the air. I look down to see he was confused and I make another circle throwing it at him trying to hit the target we had to hit to win which was on our backs but he caught me and dodge the circle. He tried to get back at me but I disabled the circle I was standing on and hit the ground. I use my capture ribbons and loop one on his leg pulling him to the ground. I then hit the target with a created ball. 

"Good fight Deku! You have great speed!" I smile giving him a hand to get up with. "T-thanks..." He stutters. Class ended and we all headed to the dorms. We all hangout talking, playing games, and other things before Mr. Aizawa entered with some news. "I have some news for you all...about your work studies. First Tokoyami pack you things because you got an offer from Hawks." Our teacher says looking at the bird boy who was sitting on the couch across from where I was. "Woah cool! You got the number 20 hero!" I say. "Yeah I guess..." He sighs. "Cheer up Fumi! You got another bird!" Dark Shadow says. "I hope you two have fun!" I say. Tokoyami says nothing but Dark Shadow gives me a wave. And I return it.

"Now, Ochaco and Tsu head to the third-year dorms Hado has someone for you two. You do the same Iris your brother wants you." He says looking at the three of us. "Yes sir!" We say. "Hey, wait up I wanna come too! I'm gonna ask Amajiki if he has anyone for me." Ejiro says. The four of us leave and walk to the third-year dorms. "So you couldn't go to the same agency you went to for your internships either E?" I ask the red-haired boy. "No...Fourth Kind said he only does internships so that was a bust." He sighs. "Miruko said the same and I looked at the other agencies I had offers for my internships but they didn't have good work-study track records." I say. 

"Hey, Iris how do you know the Big Four? Ribbit!" Tsu asks. "The third-year with blonde hair is my brother and he's friends with Tamaki and Mirio and he and Nejire are dating so um yesh that..." I say.  "Wow so cool! You're so lucky!" E says. "To know the Big Four yes but to have to put up with the shit my brother does...yeah no." I laugh. We approach the dorms and knock on the door. "Hello! Ah, you must be the first years that Nejire asked for...for the work studies right?" Yuyu, Nejire's best friend, asks. "Yes!" I say with a smile. We all go to the rooms that we needed to so that we could ask the people we needed to ask. 

I went to my brother's room to which he opened to door and I sat on the floor on his carpet. "So what did you need me for?" I ask. "Siberia. That's who's agency you want to go to right?" He asks. "Yes...wait don't tell me!" I say. "Mhm! She came to LockLock's agency and I asked her and told her about you and she said she'd love to have you." He smirks. I had gotten the agency I wanted and I would be doing my very first UA High Hero Work-Study!


Ok so done and we're almost to chapter 50 guys eeeeeeeeeee I'm super excited for this arc yeet bye!

-excited, Ricey-chan

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