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my summer vacation consists of writing stories, reading fanfiction or historical fiction, character designing, journal-writing, reading books, and playing all the games i could possibly play.

also, a lot of heat bc summer.

when you live in a place that's near the equator, expect a heat index of 50˚ or more before the rainy season.

also, those days are the absolute worst days you could ever have your period.

one time, we had a power outage and it was 53˚ outside. it was nighttime, which confused me. it was also after a thunderstorm, so the air was very much humid. 

i was also on my period.

based on the way i was heating up, you could cook a bowl of soup on me for dinner. that's obviously an exaggeration, but that was how i felt.

Genshin Impact.

i'm currently simping on a few (handful) of characters. i and my friends even made ocs.


i still play Call of Duty. even a forgotten COD game that barely even had any information on the wiki besides the plot.


i played Prototype 2, but it was okay since i was getting bored and it was fun.

Resident Evil

i tried, but it kinda creeped me out so i stopped.

Spy Mouse

i revived my old old phone somehow and downloaded Spy Mouse once it recovered. 


my brother and i always banter. it can get violent if my brother gets pissed.


can't go through one minute in my life without fangirling over at least one thing.


when i'm bored, i just cuddle my dog because he's the second best thing that's ever hit my life.

Getting assaulted by life

when life gets a hold of ANYTHING it can use as a weapon, expect my dead body in the corner of my dark bedroom.

this is all, i'm too lazy to say anything else.

i was so busy w doing nothing i forgot i had wattpad lmao ssksjssss

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2021 ⏰

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